Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The deviance lies not in the act itself but is a consequence of the application by ‘ moral entrepreneurs ’ of rules and sanctions to the offender .
2 Eventually the ground of objectivity lies not in the past , in the nature of early members of the series or in our early grasp of the rule , but in the present behaviour of our linguistic or mathematical community .
3 time and again the Ministerial contribution to penal policy-making … lies not in the Minister 's bringing in his own fresh policy ideas , but in his operating creatively and with political drive upon ideas , proposals , reports , etc. , that are , so to speak , already to hand , often within the department but sometimes in the surrounding world of penal thought .
4 The chief danger from the resurgence of the far right in Western Europe lies not in the likelihood of its achieving any real influence , but in the reactions to it of centre right parties .
5 The utility of a bank loan lies not in the money itself , of course , but in the goods which can be purchased with it .
6 Salvation lies not in the thrust
7 The validity of critical theory lies not in the adoption of a method , vindicated by epistemology , but in the enlightenment that is successful in generating a political practice that moves towards emancipation , the liberation of human beings from domination .
8 However , for the historian the problem lies not in the absence of data , but rather in the bulk of the material available to him .
9 The important distinction between both dollar markets lies not in the nature of deposits or types of loan granted but in the fact that euro-dollar banking is not subject to US domestic banking regulations .
10 The first method — each bell unique but each ringing everywhere — means that the ‘ message ’ of the bell lies in its specific sound ; in the second , the message lies not in the bell , but in the way it is wired up .
11 Where goods are not durable , the mischief lies not in the fact that they ceased to perform adequately but rather that , at the date of supply , they did not have the capacity to endure .
12 In custodial terms , even a successful simulation exercise does no more than transfer the operational persona of an historic early machine to a currently supportable platform ( typically a 486-based PC ) which will itself be duly subject to generational obsolescence : the potential of the technique lies not in the immortality of current hardware but in the prospect of machine-independent software .
13 This time the difficulty lies not in the term ‘ professional ’ but in the term ‘ development ’ .
14 Those four orientations , listed not in the order provided by Dahl but in the order I believe to be most significant to an understanding to British political culture , are toward ( 1 ) problem-solving , ( 2 ) the political system , ( 3 ) cooperation and individuality , and ( 4 ) other people .
15 The only stage process not in the mill was the actual weaving .
16 It is , however , a presumption that may be more easily displaced in family cases particularly those involving children where it has not in the past been usual practice to award costs against an unsuccessful party .
17 Perhaps the rage and common decency of the British people will vent itself in the near future where it has not in the past and finally get this Government out and replace it with a more caring one .
18 That is why the arms-for-Iraq case has caused such interest at Westminster , even if it has not in the rest of the country .
19 Yup , this is the old ‘ cultural crossover ’ in first gear , a barrage of noise which flinches not in the face of a Panzer tank .
20 Lily Firth , Lily Greene the actress , née Lily Greenwood of Leeds , was to holiday not in the South of France or Austria or Switzerland , but in deepest , darkest , furthest Rumania …
21 The criterion must be sought not in the survival of traditional institutions , but in the question where power resides and how it is exercised .
22 Most of the provisions of the Housing Act 1988 relating to private sector renting apply equally to housing associations , but the most important change relating to housing associations came not in the Act but by ministerial decision .
23 It seems a sensible conclusion that the strengths of this technique lie not in the method itself , but in the experience and skill of the person who employs it , and the extent to which these are known and respected by the beneficiaries of the study .
24 They lie not in the institution of new rules or infringement of time-worn custom and prejudice , but in simple recognition of the part which sexuality plays in all human life and affairs and the use of that recognition in dealing with human problems .
25 The transferability and the value of the culture of higher education to society lie not in the acquisition of specific competencies , but in the propensity of graduates to take up a sceptical stance to what they come across ( in truth claims , in concept , in value , in ways of going on ) .
26 I felt what was happening was we were going not in the direction of addition , but of total change .
27 It is not surprising either to find that English visitors were hostile ; the notable point is that their real venom was unleashed not in the period before 1560 , when England and Scotland were nourishing their long-standing enmity , but afterwards , when they were officially allies , and particularly once the unthinkable and shameful had happened , and Scotland had given England a king , in the person of James VI in 1603 .
28 Toil not in the garden ; behold within the soul of the lover , Damascus and Ghuta , rosebowers and all Nairab .
29 And it seems not in the jury 's book either and I 'm very glad of it .
30 A PECULIAR aspect of British business one-upmanship is to be found not in the office , but in the car park .
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