Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] see me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was facing the window , but did not see me beyond its screen because she was staring at Matthew McIllvanney who seemed to fill the whole room with his malevolence .
2 He did not see me behind the curtain .
3 ‘ Roger says he did n't see me with anyone in the kitchen earlier .
4 I wondered how much he would fret if he did n't see me among the passengers , and I hoped not much .
5 Do n't see me as a spokesperson for anything , ’ she warns .
6 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They do n't see me as a health professional who knows it all , but who does n't really understand ; they see me as a disabled person . ’
7 ‘ Men do n't see me as the stuff of their romantic dreams .
8 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
9 My little girl Natasha was with a friend at the time and because my mum had n't seen me for some time she was concerned .
10 You have n't seen me since the bad time with the lawyers . ’
11 I said ‘ Hello , you are looking well ’ , He said ‘ I do n't know you ’ , to which I replied ‘ I do n't expect you to , you have n't seen me for over 2O years .
12 This is me , I goes , I goes I 'll let it slip this time cos you have n't seen me for a few weeks .
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