Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [verb] at first " in BNC.

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1 Buckingham did not realise at first that he had been the only one to get over the 23rd fence at the first attempt .
2 She did not answer at first but moved or turned .
3 The car occupants did not move at first , a rising condensation choked the dying ventilation , the inside of the windscreen visibly clouded to reveal nothing more than a general silhouette of the two figures in the front seat deliberating their actions .
4 The day after the declaration , which did not seem at first to be being taken seriously in Washington , Gen Noriega 's troops escalated the crisis into a confrontation .
5 They set off , but the Friar did not understand at first whom they were following ; it was as though he believed that the children had taken his sack .
6 When Belegar arrived he watched the Dwarfs rebuild their citadel but did not attack at first .
7 erm In fact a simple formulation of this problem occurs in the opening paragraphs of À la Recherche , erm when the narrator writes this : ‘ When I woke in the middle of the night , I could not tell where I was , just as I did not know at first who I was .
8 The plants lumped together under the umbrella name of herbs do not appear at first glance to be essential to maintain life , but it is now becoming apparent that this concept could be wrong , and that herbs are as necessary as oxygen , though the ingredients they contribute , such as minerals and vitamins , may only be found in minute quantities .
9 Deep trying if you do not succeed at first , and then they will eventually come out .
10 He did n't answer at first .
11 He did n't answer at first , then asked where we 'd be staying .
12 He did n't answer at first and there was something about the quality of his silence that caused a flicker of fear to touch her heart .
13 Carmella did n't react at first but then she looked up and saw who it was .
14 I did n't notice at first ; I saw her walking down the street in front of me , and without any hesitation I knew who it was — I had n't seen her for over a year , she had cut her hair off short and was wearing a dress , but I knew .
15 She says she did n't notice at first but her arm began to swell up later .
16 When he returned to the office on Monday Barnett called Tim into the office , an odd note in his voice which Tim did n't recognise at first .
17 He did n't mind at first but when he kept bumping into sculptures of boats , animals or castles he became more and more frustrated .
18 ‘ Oh , its been a strain — I did n't mind at first because she 'd stay down at her flat for short periods of time , but obviously as her memory 's got worse she does n't realise that she 's got a flat , and the only thing she knows is in here , and this is the only place she wants to be — here .
19 So beautiful I did n't mind at first
20 It did n't work at first because people forgot and then there were the tourists who came in and did n't know the seating arrangements .
21 ‘ One that even I did n't believe at first .
22 ‘ There was another side to him which I did n't see at first .
23 The children did n't understand at first , but when it was later explained to them , they were enormously proud that she should have singled them out for a visit .
24 He did n't understand at first .
25 I did n't understand at first .
26 He is very clever in the manner in which he links all the characters together , and although we do n't know at first how relationships and meetings will turn out , it does soon become apparent .
27 I look out into the darkness , but my eyes do n't focus at first , as they are so fresh from sleep .
28 It was almost as though such an experience gave the initiated a glimpse of a deeper level of reality than the allegedly shallow analysis of contemporary society by those who had not faced at first hand the traumas of modern warfare .
29 Although data does not appear at first sight to be a resource of the organisation , it certainly is a resource , as data is essential for the organisation to operate effectively .
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