Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [verb] it at " in BNC.

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1 It has n't slowed it at all .
2 It has n't stopped it at all .
3 Well it 's only recently that she 's started drinking orange juice I know But she has n't liked it at all .
4 Oh yeah , the guy that he has n't reduced it at all !
5 It was not everyone who would have relished going off into the dark forest ; Lugh did not relish it at all , in fact .
6 Many of the delegates were later to become officers , and although Eva did not realise it at the time people in high places were again taking note of her presence .
7 I did not mean it at all , I thought it was vaguely amusing .
8 She sent for her confessor because she was in mortal sin ; she had withheld from him in confession a sin of which she was ashamed , but because he spoke sharply to her , she did not confess it at all this time either .
9 He added : ‘ I was in a place once when a man fired a gun at me and I did not like it at all .
10 She gave the young MacGregor a book on Parliament but he did not read it at the time , and he can not trace his decision to go into politics back to that .
11 In fact the Germans were firing into the air , although we did not realize it at the time , so there were no casualties .
12 So I read it and I gave a similar look back and I think I probably said something like that did n't happen or something along those lines , that 's hard to believe that had happened and passed it back to him and then that was it , we did not discuss it at the time …
13 We did not discuss it at all .
14 After the controversy over last week 's leak I would not have announced our move and I did not reveal it at our annual meeting .
15 This time he did not withdraw it at once but stayed motionless , his arm deep in the sack .
16 ‘ We did not know it at the time but the torch we lit in Britain , which transformed our country — the torch of freedom that is now the symbol of our party — became a beacon that has shed its light across the Iron Curtain into the East .
17 Although we did not know it at the time , the next census figures were to show an over-all drop of more than 11% .
18 I did not know Salisbury well enough — Wendy did not know it at all — to grope my way to an hotel ( and , anyhow , we feared we had not enough money for a bed ) .
19 Corman , a young independent producer born of the post-Superior Court ruling when studios were cutting back on their own B-movie productions , did not know it at the time , nor did anyone else , but he was about to make a significant contribution to what later became known as the ‘ new Hollywood ’ through the personalities he gave work to on low budget films , either acting , writing , directing or all three .
20 Although he did not know it at the time , Hess 's work was to initiate a revolution in geological and geophysical thinking , and ultimately it became the foundation of a major new theory about how continents and oceans are related , and what part volcanoes play in the evolution of the Earth .
21 I did not know it at the time , but Helmut knew that Jean-Claude was still seeing Otto .
22 This was to be a momentous decision although he did not know it at the time .
23 Furthermore , teaching Portuguese in primary school to children who do not speak it at home further isolates school experience from that of the home .
24 My response to these people is , if you can , t do the thing properly , then , please , do not do it at all .
25 Lots of young couples do not use contraception on their first time , and many do not use it at all .
26 ‘ Either you support the programme or you amend it , which means you do not support it at all , ’ he said .
27 ‘ But I hope you did n't throw it at him , ’ she said .
28 No , no he did n't , he did n't blow it at all no , it 's not on till four twenty this morning er three forty this morning that he blew it in , in the end .
29 Did I wear it over Chris , I did n't wear it at Christmas time did I ?
30 We did n't watch it at the cinema .
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