Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This produces a hypsometric curve which shows the elevations of those regions lying between the continental platforms and the ocean basins and suggests that the true break between the continents and oceans lies not at present sea level but some 200 m or so lower .
2 Many of the limitations appear not as abrupt cut-off points , distinguishing what we can do from what we ca n't , but as limitations of rate .
3 ‘ And that 's assuming the machine is programmed not to double back along the same path .
4 Cavaillès developed these ideas into a theory of science as such , which , he argued , changed not through empirical discovery but through the theoretical reworking of its own concepts in the ‘ pure ’ sciences .
5 Michael Wishart recollects him saying , ‘ Please stay , I ca n't cry all night , ’ his request reflecting not on sexual need , for he never touched Wishart , but on a recurrent despair .
6 The intelligentsia are blamed — or praised — for instilling in the working class the conviction that the solution to their problems lay not in economic reform but political revolution .
7 The failure to enforce laws is explained not by organizational complexity but by the ability of an external business and social elite to control the means of implementation .
8 Finally , HCO 3 - secretion may result not from direct activation of acid-base transport systems but from movement of weak acids in their protonated form in the opposite direction , that is from lumen to cell .
9 ‘ The play suffered not from wrong direction , but from wrong production , ’ he maintains and firmly lays the fault at the door of the H. M. Tennent organization .
10 The county has a view about golf courses — that if there is to be such a development it is better for them to be sited not on good farming land , or in naturally beautiful areas , but on the outskirts of towns .
11 Seek not after new light for the searching into the private records of God … the event is registered in heaven , and we can expect no other certain notice of it , but that it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared by the Father of mercies . ’
12 It is a diagnosis whose burden is that the supposedly mistaken analysis , of a kind which has persisted through centuries , is owed not to good reason but to a kind of desire .
13 One of the explanations for the dolphin 's superb streamlining seems to be that while they are swimming their skin surface shifts in folds or ripples , caused not by muscular action but as a response to changes in pressure on different parts of the body .
14 Grain size analysis of fine sediments depends not on direct measurement of the particles themselves but rather upon indirect computations of diameters based on observation of the grain behaviour in fluids or the response of the fluids to displacement by the grains .
15 Many adult smokers continue smoking not through unfettered choice but because they are addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes .
16 Boulton and Swartzentruber urge the acceptance of a common explanation for both phenomena , arguing that contextual cues and explicit occasion setters act not by direct association with other events but by modulating the influence of CS-US associations .
17 But it is vital that this is seen not as legitimizing self-centredness , introspection or social irresponsibility , but as a means to ever deeper exploration of life in its totality .
18 If relevant to clinical practice these in vitro observations suggest that pseudoallergic drug reactions may be regulated not by pharmacological specificity but by relatively non-specific protein binding properties .
19 The national independence of both Germany and Italy came not through agrarian revolution , but through the force of arms of established powers .
20 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man : but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost . ’ ( v. 20/21 ) .
21 In continental Europe , however , the union assault came not from workplace-based craft organisations but from centralised and more politicised trade unions .
22 That we look not for detailed application of single techniques in a piecemeal fashion , but rather that we look for the general developments from which we can build school specific approaches which translate the experience into usable school practice .
23 Eliot 's sympathies lie not with urban industrialism of ‘ half-dead mill towns of southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts ’ but with humanized rural landscape which ‘ has been moulded by numerous generations of one race , and … which … in turn has modified the race to its own character .
24 In his lecture ‘ Le Cubisme écartelé ’ given at the Section d'Or on 11 October and later added to Les Peintres Cubistes when the book was already in proof , Apollinaire divided Cubism into four categories , Orphism being the most advanced : ‘ It is the art of painting new harmonies out of elements borrowed not from visual reality but created entirely by the artist and endowed by him with a powerful presence .
25 His English texts which almost certainly belong to the last ten years of his life relate to his role as a spiritual counsellor , and they are consistent with what we know of him — their strength lying not in systematic exposition but in his skill with language to illuminate the goals of spiritual life and so awake his readers to their reality .
26 The strategy consisted not of ministerial diktat but the progressive application of pressure on LEAs to ensure that the school curriculum in their areas was in line with a real or imagined consensus about what pupils should learn at school .
27 Fred and Wilma , Barney and Betty — these stock East Coast American sit-com couples provided satirical laffs a-plenty in their moderne Stone Age netherworld , all mod cons dependent not on trendy plastic but granite , and powered not by supa-clean electricity but , well , pterodactyls , usually .
28 And that was , children born not of natural descent nor of human decision , or a husband .
29 To liberal scholars , the Soviet version is a manifest distortion based not on scholarly analysis of historical evidence but on the political requirements of the post-October regime .
30 First , they were to give the regime the appearance of being based not on sheer superiority of armed force , but on objective political and juridical principles .
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