Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] more [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As we suggest in more detail in Chapters 2 and 3 , you will be able to find materials more easily and see the best arrangement for them when you have formed a sense of what you are looking for .
2 ‘ Well , we could start earlier in the morning and fit in more hours before lunchtime .
3 Now Argyll plans to drum up more business with in-store dry cleaners and post offices .
4 Young maintained contact with his previous management consultancy clients who were already half-way convinced of headhunting , but he was prepared for much knocking on familiar and unfamiliar doors and cold-calling to drum up more business in a practical way .
5 Current debates on lesbian ‘ dress sense ’ are opening up more possibilities for experiment with image .
6 It should also drum up more work for a profession that has been badly hit by the recession .
7 Your BNFL News was on the spot to cover the latest exciting events , so to find out more turn to the centre pages … .
8 To find out more details about these and local events send a SAE to The Ramblers ' Association , 1/5 Wandsworth Road , London SW8 2XX or telephone 071 582 6878 .
9 The conversation was general for a while then John excused himself , saying he had to find out more details about the job from his father .
10 They chose the teenagers and topics after group discussions at 26 schools in northern England , firstly speaking to children from the programme 's target age-range ( the 11-13s ) to find out what interested them then they met teenagers from the presenters ' target age range ( 1416 ) to find out more ideas for topics and to choose the reporters .
11 If you have a range of similar products ( eg saucepans made by different manufacturers ) try to find out more detail about what the customer wants .
12 Mr Bell says new marketing of the centres would bring in more customers during peak hours making savings despite the recession and heavy private competition .
13 Filling in more detail on the Environment Protection Bill for the coming session of Parliament , Mr Patten said the public would be given more access than ever before to information about industrial pollution and about how individual firms would be obliged to clean up their operations .
14 Entitled The Special Edition , it restored around 17 minutes of original unscreened footage , filling in more background to Ripley 's material angst and showing exactly what happened to Newt 's parents and the other settlers on the Alien 's planet .
15 There are other sections in this book that focus in more detail on various unwanted feelings .
16 Last year we put in more capacity at Wrexham to make self-injection devices for the new Glaxo migraine treatment Imigran .
17 Try to track down more details of either the EEC Standard Industrial Classification or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases than are given in Section 6.4.1. ( you may be lucky enough to have a sight of the complete listings or you may have to scan EEC or World Health Organization publications for information . )
18 Heavy now , the crystals start to come down , moving faster , picking up more droplets on the way .
19 After that they planned to pick up more provisions at Ivrigar , Ratagan 's home , and return to the Rorim on the third or fourth day , by which time the council would be winding down , or even finished .
20 He badly wants to complete the task and continues hoping to pick up more lift on the way .
21 I would like to open up more channels with the EC to allow us to articulate better why we do what we do , otherwise issues that are important to the 100 Group 's membership , like goodwill accounting , could founder on legal grounds or simply because people do n't understand . ’
22 These changes can be seen as elements of a programme intended to open up more aspects of public sector provision to the market and to undermine the powers of state bureaucracy , particularly as highlighted by exponents of ‘ public choice theory ’ .
23 Of Akragas , which put up more temples in the fifth century than any other Mediterranean city except Athens , Diodorus says ( xi.25 ; cp. xiii – .81 ) ‘ her revenue was derived originally from the large indemnities levied against Carthage after Himera .
24 What can not be doubted is that Unionists , who had drawn level with the Liberals in 1910 , had made up more ground on them since .
25 If I had to select one of my pairs of binoculars for observations of nebulæ I think I would choose the × 7 instrument , though I agree that the more powerful binoculars can bring out more details in the fainter nebulæ .
26 Workmen have lopped off more branches in an effort to save the tree , visited by thousands of fans each year on the anniversary of Bolan 's death .
27 When we look in more detail at efficiency , effectiveness and performance indicators and the difficulties involved in using these ideas , we may agree that current proposals — while less ambitious — are more productive .
28 We now look in more detail at these everyday images of families in Britain .
29 In the following paragraphs we look in more detail at the reasons which have encouraged a number of large manufacturers to start making or make greater use of temporary workers , at the terms and conditions under which these temporary workers are engaged , especially the forms of contract which are used , and at the characteristics of the temporary workers themselves .
30 And in section 5.2 we look in more detail at just how the Bank operates in short-term money markets in order to influence interest rates and the rate of monetary growth .
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