Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] in the same " in BNC.

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31 Eleven tricks made for a very good score , as several other declarers had actually contrived to go off in the same contract .
32 All that memory can provide contributes already to our feeling that in calling this sensation ‘ pain ’ we are going on in the same way , following the rule .
33 And , going on in the same vein before Fabia could gently state that she would n't dream of going to Czechoslovakia without her , ‘ It 's about a four-hour crossing so you 'll have time for some shut-eye and a rest before … ’
34 He was too alert not to catch the look and he was swift enough to look down in the same instant at his cup .
35 And secondly , and very much wrapped up in the same point with this , they 're also coy about the sort of people they 're looking for .
36 There are easy comparisons : both have kids growing up in the same neighbourhood .
37 Put the line ferret through the system and the loose ferret may well be located and subsequently dug out in the same way as a rabbit .
38 It was little Tero , turned out in the same paddock , offering silent sympathy .
39 ‘ And land up in the same condition as you did ?
40 And after closing the door , she still stood and repeated to herself , ‘ Land up in the same way as you did . ’
41 He has asked for much the same amount of money , divided up in the same way : two-thirds of the money to criminal-enforcement efforts , one-third to treatment .
42 Once the interlining has been locked in , the two layers of fabric can be treated as one and made up in the same way .
43 We are all used to thinking of the Earth as some kind of large magnet , with two magnetic poles located quite near the geographic North and South Poles , so that the needle of a compass always lines up in the same direction .
44 Seventy per cent of those continuing their studies were staying on In the same institution where they had taken the Advanced Course : the rest were changing institutions .
45 Its weakness was its technical conservatism ; although in 1880 the Admiralty agreed to reintroduce breechloading guns on heavy ships , the armoured cruisers Impérieuse and Warspite , which were laid down in the same year , were still designed to carry a full spread of sail .
46 The consignment was brought over in the same way and after it was left in a lay-by in Lymm , Cheshire , Customs officers pounced when Scott arrived to collect it .
47 That is to say , if one made the same measurement on a large number of similar systems , each of which started off in the same way , one would find that the result of the measurement would be A in a certain number of cases , B in a different number , and so on .
48 The problem is that although the typeface may have the same name — indeed it may even come from the same original — it may not have been coded up in the same way .
49 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
50 But even between children brought up in the same home with the same advantages , one with another , at 7 there are still huge differences .
51 Anyway , as you know , we were almost brought up in the same bassinet , and , as I made out to Mama just a short while ago , if Isobel had to choose between the horse and me , the horse would come out best . ’
52 The people were not necessarily born and brought up in the same neighbourhood ; many are upwardly mobile ( unlike the inner-city people ) .
53 Er children are n't brought up in the same maternal way as they are in in this country , and many other countries .
54 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
55 The catechist will read out in the same way as we did for the Celebration of Enrolment , erm whichever catechist is doing will say I present to you and call out a name , and you stand up in your seat with your parents .
56 Roll out in the same way as the marzipan and use to cover all four towers .
57 Different types of shops are laid out in different ways — you would n't expect an expensive dress shop to be laid out in the same way as a supermarket , for example .
58 The majority , the huge majority , were to be shipped back in the same closed trains to the Motherland of Russia .
59 Norman Cook will never be spoken about in the same breath as Jazzie B , yet ‘ Dub Be Good To Me ’ is one of the hardest records you will ever hear seeping out of a Ford Escort at the traffic lights .
60 Leith snapped angrily — and realised she could go on in the same vein until she was blue in the face and it still would n't dent him .
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