Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [to-vb] for the " in BNC.

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1 In fact , liberal or not , she has come back to work for the ANC , though her exact capacity is not made clear .
2 To a man of Panmure 's connections this was not a particularly difficult matter in time of war , even with the qualification which the Lyells made to their request , that ships about to sail for the West Indies were not acceptable , but it was clearly a very material favour to the family concerned .
3 What is anatomical basis of this orientation selectivity ? ( personal communication ) suggests an answer which is reminiscent of that proposed by to account for the ability of octopuses to recognize spatial patterns .
4 Willis and four men were whisked off to jail for the night and released on bail .
5 It is a curious miscellany , where photographs of his early ballets are mixed in with family snap-shots , pictures of his friends , souvenirs of journeys , Christmas and other greetings , a book of clothing coupons from the days of rationing , costume drawings and various illustrations cut from magazines , including a feature on Roland Petit 's ballet Carmen and examples of the ‘ new look ’ in women 's clothes when long skirts came back to fashion for the first time since the war ; he proposed a ballet about that , but it was rejected .
6 They work out how much money to feed back to pay for the inputs for the next year , and the remainder is profit .
7 Am I glad we came out to work for the entire season , Rosie !
8 He made films like Sanders of the River ( 1935 ) and The Four Feathers ( 1939 ) , featuring courageous British aristocrats going off to fight for the British empire , not out of a sentimental admiration for those times , but because the Empire provided good stories , as Hollywood also found at the time .
9 BURIAL costs in Middlesbrough are going up to pay for the installation of cameras in flats overlooking cemeteries .
10 Over 100 members turned up to compete for the honour of representing Limerick Area in the National Finals in Belfast .
11 They won 61% of the vote for Congress in March , but only 27% in December ( when far fewer people turned out to vote for the assembly ) .
12 In the West African republic of Liberia where eighty five per cent of the population have been displaced , children , some as young as eight are being placed in secure compounds to prevent them from going back to fight for the waring factions .
13 MI6 , Scotland Yard and the FBI had been called in to hunt for the shadowy Surrey-born spy .
14 Uncle Mick found it difficult getting down to kneel for the Consecration .
15 He then rushed off to prepare for the main service of the morning as the Minster bells began to ring out .
16 Apart from that there is no strong reason for one method rather than another although as the first year has lower production than later years it would be difficult in terms of wearing out to argue for the reducing balance method .
17 I hope they do what they set out to do for the sake of the people of West Belfast .
18 Searchers were called out to look for the overdue hikers , and spotting their torches in the distance Alistair used his camera flash to attract their attention .
19 If he was the sole breadwinner , you may have to go out to work for the first time .
20 The Livingstones and Crichtons did this in 1439 , when they seized James II and then settled down to squabble for the next decade ; the Boyds did the same thing with James III ; and Angus found time , despite his matrimonial problems with Margaret Tudor , to get possession of James V in 1526 and dominate politics for the last two years of the minority .
21 Around the harbour , fishermen 's tavernas still jostle side by side with the newer cafés and bars which have sprung up to cater for the younger market , and the main daytime activity seems to be relaxing over a quiet glass of something while watching the boats chug in and out .
22 This part of the city lacks the individual character of Robyn 's own suburb , where healthfood stores and sportswear boutiques and alternative bookshops have sprung up to cater for the students and liberal-minded yuppies who live there ; and still more does it lack the green amenities of the residential streets around the University .
23 A committee has now been set up to lobby for the restoration of the medieval paving and an invitation has been issued to the public to show its support by sponsoring a brick at L10,000 a time ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p. 13 ) .
24 Rabobank NV and Amsterdam-based Getronics NV have teamed up to bid for the second Dutch Groupe Speciale Mobile digital cellular licence .
25 Putting the thoughts out of his head , he settled back to wait for the next people who could keep the Americans busy .
26 Now it will go on to compete for the title of best pig in Britain .
27 He shares Taylor 's view that England will win and go on to qualify for the USA finals .
28 Gilgamesh went on to search for the secret of immortality and according to the legend he almost succeeded .
29 She went on to work for the Friends ' Committee in France , Austria , Poland , and Greece .
30 He said : ‘ We do n't judge our progress by the results we achieve , rather by the number of players who eventually go on to play for the full Ulster side .
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