Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [adj] for the " in BNC.

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1 Both of the safari buses were booked up solid for the month after that .
2 So that we 're all caught up ready for the christmas rush .
3 Our newly expanded page area came in handy for the Financial Results Special — there are some big results to report .
4 These figures taken in conjunction with the fact that 10,000 carriages and similar vehicles had to be maintained and repaired and up to ten new carriages turned out weekly for the L & NWR system alone , emphasise the importance of the department ; Wolverton Works was the ‘ largest works entirely devoted to carriage building and repairs in the UK ’ .
5 And done it well , no smears or skimped corners , and the papers were all bundled up ready for the dustbins , which would soon be full again .
6 Some sessions involve a heavy work-out , so a spare , dry karategi might come in handy for the second session .
7 It 's came in handy for the shopping that now anyway has n't ?
8 And finally , readers may recall NME 's STUART BAILIE 's ‘ sex ’ posé on BARNEY from THE MILLTOWN BROTHERS bending over naked for the cameras at a Paris jaunt .
9 Referees should use common sense on this approach , perhaps shouting ‘ lineout formed ’ if they see a player planning to take a quick throw-in when the forwards have lined up ready for the original lineout .
10 I have my footie boots on aswell ( and the shinpads come in useful for the tea breaks ) hehehe .
11 After the final number , when all the dancers came offstage whooping and whistling with relief to crowd into the showers , Lucy followed Josie around in a final inventory of wigs and clothing and then generally cleared up ready for the next night 's work .
12 I have it on good authority from the owner 's husband that Homme d'Affaire will take a lot of beating if the going comes up soft for the Waterloo Handicap Hurdle .
13 I have it on good authority from the owner 's husband that Homme d'Affaire will take a lot of beating if the going comes up soft for the Waterloo Handicap Hurdle .
14 No actually i working out punch-line for the joke .
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