Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Arizona , according to one columnist , E.J. Montini , ‘ is like the kid who stole his parents ' car and is out careering on to other people 's lawns , crashing into garbage cans and running red lights . ’
2 Burrows and Hunter 's research indicates that many landlords are trying to force pre-1988 tenants out of their properties so that they can either move in new tenants , sell with vacant possession or sell on to other landlords .
3 Unenamoured of either , he rejected both in favour of the career of a scribe here his own account goes on to other things becoming a clerk to the imperial divan in 922/1516 , and rising thence through the office of private secretary to two Grand Vezirs and that of to become nisanci in 941/1534 .
4 We are all curious to know what really goes on in other families and all equally determined to preserve the privacy of our own family life .
5 The idea is that when an instruction that is meant for a coprocessor is encountered , the coprocessor handles it leaving the main processor to carry on with other jobs .
6 But there has been an additional image barrier : the CAB as a generalist advice agency was often labelled a ‘ signposting ’ service whereby clients will simply be referred on to other organisations .
7 A similar course held at the beginning of the year in Brasov , attended by sixty people including teachers , nurses and doctors , was particularly encouraging as much of the material was , in turn , passed on to other colleagues for their use .
8 The other kind of sex I learned about was the meaning of the four-letter words the boys chalked up on the playground wall , though the explanations were inadequate and puzzling , passed on by other children and received with incredulity .
9 Some of the collisions were violent , but other planetesimals simply blended in with other collisions .
10 They were found at the bottom of drawers , in filing cabinets , and stuffed in amongst other papers .
11 It will not look at how the decision to make the video is taken or how it fits in with other services the child receives from the SSD , NSPCC , and others .
12 In framing its monetary policy a government must have a clear idea of what the goals of the policy are , which monetary variable it is going to attempt to control and by what means , whether to take a long-term or short-term perspective , and how the policy fits in with other policies .
13 Right it is a hundred miles from King 's Lynn to London , the train takes two hours to do the journey the train does not go at a constant speed , it speeds up sometimes and slows down at other times it also stops at stations on the way and on once of course as it , as it 's stopping it 's going more and more slowly and as it 's er moving off again it starts slowly and starts to go quickly but because it takes two hours in all the train goes a hundred miles in two hours we say its average speed for the journey is fifty miles per hour .
14 Inspector-Generals of Prisons drafted in from other fields with little knowledge of , or interest in , prisons , while ‘ high flying ’ young administrators see the prison department as one to be avoided ( Sharma 1985 ) ;
15 Most teacher-training programmes include provision for trainees to sit in with other teachers so that they get some experience of the environment they will work in .
16 It was wound up in 1950 , as Europe moved on to other things .
17 People smiled , and the conversation moved on to other things .
18 Ali Cemali , who had in the years between 888 and 891 moved on to other posts , was the first appointee to the new medrese and , though his salary is not specified , the course of his career to this point suggests that it can not have been less than 50 akce a day .
19 Within four months , however , work had stopped on the reaction and the project moved on to other reactions .
20 They withdrew their support and Fawcett , whom they had seconded to the project , moved on to other research .
21 It is also a procedure that is beginning to catch on in other areas of a solicitor 's work .
22 They gradually caught on at other establishments , although not on such a substantial scale .
23 I have a tip to pass on to other readers .
24 We 'd like to hear from anyone who has an interesting story or tip to pass on to other readers .
25 By that date Moscow had provided a mere three and a half million roubles , and one million had come in from other gubernii .
26 Then offers started to come in from other amp and electronics companies , asking me if I wanted to branch off and do some design work for them , which I could see the advantages of — plus I wanted to have a life !
27 high or low — drop-outs — repeating — transfers in from other schools
28 ‘ I see it as culminating in an annual event , perhaps a convention and a festival which would tie in with other events like Africa Oye .
29 How does Compact fit in with other Government initiatives to benefit the inner cities ?
30 It involves the disinterested pursuit of truth , beauty or goodness , even though it is always mixed up with other motivations such as the search for social importance ( knowledge is power ) , or for status and acceptance , or for the comforts of a dream world , or for the individual self-realisation which involves the establishment of a personal identity .
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