Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] the new " in BNC.

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1 Again , change hands , push the tiller to where you were sitting , watch for the boom , as it swings across , straighten up and sit down on the new side .
2 The privacy and identity that they possessed by living in family homes separated from other families , even when members of co-operatives , would be broken down under the new arrangements .
3 They yesterday found out which rating band their houses had been placed in for the new tax , which starts next April .
4 Most of the Dialogues are about the kind of research carried on in the new laboratories which were becoming a feature of life by the 1870s .
5 Landforms developed in relation to the earlier and higher base level are abandoned as erosion starts to work down to the new base level .
6 Orbitel Mobile Communications Ltd says it is to launch its latest series of Groupe Speciale Mobile phones at CeBit ‘ 93 , in Hannover : improvements to come in with the new 901 series include improved battery life , speedier battery charging , and ‘ added functionality ’ , although Orbitel is not saying yet exactly what it means by this ; the series is to include a combined mobile and transportable phone , providing both in-car and portable functionality , the company says .
7 He moved in to the new , roomier accommodation .
8 The Sierra Leone government promised the AfDB there would be strict environmental protection measures , but despite such assurances , loggers , farmers and charcoal-burners moved in along the new road , eating into the rainforest .
9 And Pilger , an exasperatingly prickly individualist determined to expose the ills of the world , stubbornly refused to lower his standards and fit in with the new requirements .
10 Such attitudes were far removed from the world of the fictional Sir Joseph Bowlem in Dickens 's Chimes short story who boasted ‘ I allow nothing to be carried over into the New Year ; every description of account is settled in this house at the close of the old one ’ , and the real life employee of Manders the Wolverhampton paintmakers who scribbled on the flyleaf of a 1896 catalogue :
11 St Joseph 's church at Crofton is retained , and elements of the two churches which have been replaced are carried over into the new one .
12 The principle of counting to ensure pastoral care and effective deployment of manpower is carried over into the New Testament .
13 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
14 The Government confirmed that the Bill would not proceed — it fell with the dissolution of Parliament on 16 March ( unfinished legislation can not be carried over to the new parliament ) .
15 Bell had done original design work on a defunct prop-powered XP–59 and that designation was carried over to the new effort in an attempt to mask the true nature of the project .
16 An interesting natural experiment arose when the entire school moved over to the new pathway course in 1987 .
17 He 'll need a lot of breath for this lengthy stint , which heads off towards the new year .
18 Many 's the night I 've walked back late from town and stopped off in the New Earswick hedgerows to supply them some used beer …
19 Mr Thomas reported optimism , however , that the situation is opening up under the new coalition government that came into being a few months ago .
21 Buckinghamshire speedway ace Simon Wigg is gearing up for the new season with a new club … he 's signed up for Coventr
22 This philosophy of helping elderly people return to or stay in their own or small-scale homes will be picked up by the new centres .
23 If you are planning to build your own conservatory , you are likely to come up against the new Pat N of the Building Regulations .
24 The winding up of the New Town Development Corporations began in the mid-1980s , and in December 1986 the Minister for Housing said that all of the New Town Development Corporations would have gone by 1992 .
25 ‘ New linguistics ’ , for us , included books on English by , , and ; but at that time we had not caught up with the new developments associated with .
26 Unless the working classes were caught up in the new sectarian movements of Protestantism ( which were themselves a reaction and response to modernity ) , they were liable to slip into unbelief .
27 Is my hon. Friend aware that , despite his welcome answer , deep concern is still felt by Leicestershire community colleges — which have a proud and long-standing record of providing adult education — that they will be squeezed out by the new proposals ?
28 Men in regular employment found their real wages rising and many families moved out to the new housing estates , where evidence rapidly came to light of female depression arising primarily from physical isolation .
29 IBM Corp is still not ready with a full scale disk array for its mainframes , but next week , the company is expected to come out with the new 3390-9 disk drives , offering three times the capacity of the 3390-3 — could be as much as 60Gb on the As , 100Gb on the Bs ( CI No 2,046 ) — but they will be somewhat slower than the existing ones : a new 3990 controller that will be able to talk to disks that do not exist yet is expected to follow later , probably in the autumn .
30 ‘ We wanted to play Dublin but all the venues were booked out months ago , so we 'll have to come back in the New Year and do somewhere like the SFX or the Stadium .
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