Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although it became heretical to deny that God could have created other worlds , it was as dangerous to say that He had .
2 Agency records , which recorded all referrals , were checked weekly to confirm that ASWs had completed questionnaires where relevant .
3 But the many complex descriptions of the real social practice of literate and oral modes that are now becoming available suggest that literacy and orality are not so vastly differentiated as these writers claim .
4 The idea that society is entitled to take whatever steps may be considered necessary to ensure that companies serve the public interest depends on the theory that the only basis on which companies can be allowed to possess power , which effectively means the only basis on which large companies can be allowed to exist , is that they produce consequences beneficial to society .
5 Having in Scotland lost the vote for the ordination of women to the priesthood , it seemed profitable to argue that women should be ordained to the diaconate ( that is to say be made deacons , not simply deaconesses ) .
6 Greenpeace expedition leader , Paul Horsman , said that he did not blame the Iranians since " misunderstandings were bound to occur " , but that few people seemed willing to believe that Greenpeace was an organization wholly independent of Western governments .
7 But writing the first edition in the midst of the Common Market discussions of 1972 , it seemed appropriate to remark that Britain decided some 200 million years ago to remain with Europe rather than depart with North America .
8 ‘ It makes me feel good to know that people want to hear my kind of music , the type of music I think is good .
9 It was against this background , namely that it seemed preposterous to suppose that a.b could ever be other than equal to b.a in any consistent algebraic setting , that Hamilton looked for more than 10 years for an extension of complex numbers suitable for application to the physics of 3-dimensional space .
10 At first blush it might appear self-contradictory to hold that A did not act in concert with B but that B acted in concert with A , but there was no real inconsistency .
11 Other staff said she seemed annoyed to discover that Mrs Fribbins had wet the bed .
12 And surely the spectacle of American airlines gobbling each other up and then going bust suggests that government guidance is needed to preserve the orderly flow of airline flights ?
13 Wherever it is thought important to claim that things of a certain sort are good , being of that sort can not be what ‘ good ’ means ( what the property good is ) .
14 In recent years it has become fashionable to say that Modi only suffered from poverty because of his drinking and drug-taking .
15 ‘ It seems as if it has become fashionable to suggest that Manchester United might suddenly become nervous .
16 Given its success after only eighteen months , and the current plans to extend the Thameslink network , it now seems hard to believe that passengers have enjoyed the ability to cross London by regular electric BR services for such a short time .
17 It seems natural to assume that Mecdi means that Fahreddin Acemi died in 870 , and some relatively early evidence for this date is found in two of the manuscripts of the Anonymous Chronicle ( Uruc ) .
18 However , since joint production and ( more clearly ) joint marketing is much more likely to create the undesirable anticompetitive effects which cause concern than joint R&D is , it seems reasonable to insist that firms which propose extending joint activities beyond R&D must bear the burden of proving that such extensions are in the public interest .
19 It seems reasonable to conclude that employers and managers were unlikely to have missed the message but had consciously rejected it .
20 But on the basis of evidence available now , it seems reasonable to conclude that class is not of the first importance in structuring our experiences of family life .
21 It seems reasonable to suppose that John was born and spent his early years in Grimston , Norfolk , where his family was recorded as having an estate in 1664 , but there is no record of his educational background .
22 It seems reasonable to suggest that children should in fact learn to read in more than one way — to be mainly concerned with overall sense when the going is easy , but to be able to switch to a mode where they become more aware of and attentive to the actual text .
23 It seems reasonable to assume that changes in the steady-state responses , as measured in the above experiments , reflect alterations that would also affect the response to synaptically released L-glutamate ( for example , changes in the number , or conductance properties , of AMPA receptors ) .
24 Certainly , it seems reasonable to assume that individuals whose temperamental make-up is more ‘ psychotic ’ , and who therefore have a greater predisposition to psychosis , will be in greatest danger of passing over the threshold into overt illness , just as those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop an anxiety neurosis , and persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack or stroke .
25 We have no hard evidence of the origins of language in prehistoric communities , but it seems reasonable to assume that speech preceded writing and dialogue preceded monologue .
26 Since linguistic change and rapid dialect mixing appear to be a general characteristic of urban dialects ( Labov 1972b : 300 ) , it seems reasonable to assume that insight can be gained into the processes of their formation if a set of data from a city is compared with a set from a surrounding area .
27 How much reliance can be placed on the details of the story is perhaps open to question , but it seems safe to conclude that Molla Fenari and Haci Ivaz were indeed enemies , for whatever reason .
28 Extreme reductionism is usually a sign of restricted outlook and it seems safe to say that sociobiology will not remain long in so puritanical a stage .
29 But , until Pyongyang opens up ( and the suppression of a plot against the ‘ blood-line of the Party ’ in February 1991 , suggests not everyone welcomes the prospect of Kim Jong II taking over ) , it seems safe to say that Romania under Ceauşescu ( like Iraq under Saddam ) had one of the most inbred political élites in the modern world .
30 It seems safe to assume that Jefferies , like Waterton , Buckland , Wallace , and Charles Kingsley , would have been on his father 's shelf .
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