Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [coord] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Products — announcements are promised over the next few months — will ship direct and to OEM customers .
2 Products — announcements are promised over the next few months — will ship direct and to OEM customers .
3 Despite the growth of our work and our self-esteem , we still remain marginalized and at risk .
4 Perhaps we believe that others perceive us as weak and ineffectual when in reality we choose to make a stand only about those things which really matter , knowing that it often takes more strength to remain calm and in control than to meet aggression with more aggression .
5 Although Perot was the only candidate to leave the debates with a higher opinion poll rating than when he entered them , there was a widespread perception that Clinton had clearly outperformed Bush , appearing assured and in command of an impressive array of detailed policy information , while Bush appeared keener to deal in innuendo and generality .
6 She retained something that the Shah had never had — an ability to appear spontaneous and in touch .
7 Do not become strident ; it is critical that you appear calm and in control ( however stirred up you may feel inside ) .
8 The number of entrants was swelled by the servicemen who took part , ‘ volunteered ’ by their superior officers as a good way of keeping fit and in training , especially as some did it in their army boots .
9 Yet this modest advance in steam conditions was approached late and with circumspection : the sets on order for the whole of the 1950s commissioning programmes remained mainly the 30MW and 60MW sizes , and only a third of the sets adopted the more advanced steam conditions .
10 ( iv ) The following terms , used alone or in combination , will be deemed to indicate that a person is a solicitor holding a current practising certificate , unless it is made clear that the person is not so qualified :
11 ( v ) The following terms , used alone or in combination , will be deemed to indicate that a person is not a solicitor holding a current practising certificate , unless a contrary indication appears :
12 For at least eight hours each week , students were expected to work alone or in pairs on experiments in the laboratory , with some supervision by staff and postgraduates .
13 Whole networks of macrophages stimulate lymphocytes to control other lymphocytes which stimulate macrophages ; special factors attract other cells , including pus cells , into the area ; and proteins called complement are also produced that can act alone or with antibody to make bacteria much more easily absorbed .
14 But the Scottish Rooflessness Initiative still has some way to go , especially in preventing young Scots becoming homeless and at risk in London , he told a seminar in Edinburgh .
15 It looks spectacular but in reality shoots very smoothly .
16 were never an L-plate band , they always seemed assured and in control of their chord-spiralling carousel , no matter how often it threatened to spin off-kilter .
17 What precisely was entailed in oversight was not made clear and in practice the control of the school , its aims , policies and methods of teaching was left to the headteacher .
18 Forte expects to sell direct and through OEMs beginning with its strategic partners , including Sequent Computer ( see page three ) and two others which manufacture the servers Forte will run on .
19 You will feel calm and at peace with the world .
20 Any persons who saw anyone on that train looking agitated or with traces of blood , we 'd like to hear from them .
21 At Hilton International , it 's our intention to make you feel welcome and at home each and every time you 're our guest .
22 This is the type of garment that always looks good as soon as you put it on and makes you feel comfortable and at ease , whatever the occasion .
23 Think which public places — restaurants in particular — have made you feel comfortable and at ease .
24 But in parts of Herefordshire the old ways die hard and at Shortwood they were using a shire horse for cider making until the 1940s .
25 With his gruff , Cockney drawl and lack of pretentiousness , he was the first person he had met on the production side of TV London who was not part of the middle-class mafia , and who seemed relaxed and at ease with himself .
26 To draw a figure looking relaxed or with movement in it you 've go to be able to draw the nude very well . ’
27 For many men the most important grieving they do is over the loss of their work when made redundant or on retirement .
28 In addition , personal tutors receive copies of their tutees ' records and timetables , and admissions tutors receive regular and on demand analyses of applications data to support their decision making and to assist the meeting of both individual field and overall Course intake targets .
29 After her miscarriage so long ago , Elizabeth met each change with apprehension , but she seemed well and in fact , bloomed in her pregnancy .
30 The recital had been a remarkable musical occasion and the audience , comprised both of visitors to Møn and residents of the island , had felt united and at peace under the spell of Schubert , Schumann and Strauss .
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