Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its tip can stay alive and grow for many days , thereby increasing its chances of meeting a host .
2 Asian families , for the most part , are organized in such a way as to keep a firm control over their children , integrating them into a tightly knit web of relationships within the community where religious traditions remain strong and create in the members a respect for norms , seniority and morality .
3 Here , the English Tourist Board and the local authority decided the magnificent fifteenth-century castle , if it was to remain intact and open to the public , would not find a purchaser without permission for development .
4 The blue grey mud banks glittered where wet from the tide , but lay dry and cracked like acres of crazy paving above the high water mark .
5 This basic idea became modified and extended in Ptolemy 's astronomy .
6 Born in London , an ex-punk who started acting while at art school during a course in sculpture , Roth never actually went to drama college ( aside from one afternoon when he got pissed and snuck into RADA to see what he 's missed ) .
7 The light seemed to have brightened , which was odd , and she saw them all like actors on a stage , brightly lit , faces made grotesque and heightened by make-up , every .
8 Sales fell 9.8% to $5,440m , and Bull blames the world economic slowdown , price wars in the personal computer market segment and the effects of structural changes in the industry — but those problems also affected Hewlett-Packard Co , ICL Plc and NCR Corp , all of which managed to remain profitable and to grow in 1991 .
9 The others in the case became upset and dug in their heels about changing their minds .
10 In the more remote localities Bolshevik officials , desperate for transport facilities , ‘ ignored NEP and all its works , and commandeered right and left as if military Communism [ War Communism ] was still pure and undefiled ’ , yet another indication that military methods did not go completely out of fashion with the advent of NEP .
11 The house committee met weekly and dealt with a variety of matters .
12 All three of us became embarrassed and stared at our boots .
13 Eat raw or cook like celery .
14 Mrs Ivory became unsettled and talked of returning home but her husband , a 39-year-old unemployed surveyor , never suspected she would take Chatchai .
15 He would be deeply moved and encouraged , in his dreams , even by the smallest and most ordinary bud ; his nostrils got raw and caked with fine dirt as he knelt down and sniffed and sniffed to try and catch the first smell of green life .
16 It was the flotsam and jetsam of every seaside gift shop , the debris of 10 million suburban mantelpieces , but blown up to epic proportions , made mythic and crafted by European artisans to Koons 's instructions .
17 In the antique firearms section there was a pair of pistols fitted with a detonating system which used fulminate and dated from about 1809 ; there was an intriguing possible English royal connection and this , together with their unusual detonation , helped them sell at £5,000 .
18 What evidence there was supported a relatively minor charge under military standing orders and the soldier concerned was charged , found guilty and punished under the powers accorded to the commanding officer .
19 However , he was found fit to plead , found guilty and detained under an order of the Mental Health Act in one of the Special Hospitals which provide care and treatment in conditions of close security .
20 All day long the shears snipped away the hours until the sun sank low and disappeared behind the trees .
21 By 1916 Kisling , who had served in the French Foreign Legion , was discharged wounded and working at his studio , No. 3 Rue Joseph Bara , and Modigliani often worked there with him .
22 She stopped bouncing and frowned at me .
23 I do n't want to be roasted alive and eaten by the Gruncher . ’
24 Parts of the opponent are frozen solid and turn into ice , causing terrible wounds or killing him outright .
25 I held her , trying to appear calm and composed on the outside , a shaking wreck on the inside .
26 She had to appear calm and justified in arresting him .
27 Worrying about people 's comments instead of keeping calm and concentrating on the flying and on getting down safely is often the root cause of a bad landing .
28 Whitaker 's partner slipped while turning tight into the penultimate fence , but the horse managed to jump clear and win from Emma-Jane Mac on Everest Oyster .
29 At last she stopped struggling and lay beneath him , white and shaking .
30 The retired can squat , smoke , reminisce and grow old and die in familiar , comfortable surroundings .
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