Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 He cooed total infatuation for the well-proportioned figure at the despatch box .
2 President Franois Mitterrand voiced strong support for the idea after his meeting with President Gorbachev in Kiev on Wednesday .
3 President Franois Mitterrand voiced strong support for the idea after his meeting with President Gorbachev in Kiev on Wednesday .
4 After riding more than 100 winners , Murphy became private trainer for the Durkan family in Dublin — sending out Anaglogs Daughter to win at the Cheltenham Festival in l980 .
5 Its RTnet-OSI V 3.0 networking software suite has been enhanced to include expanded support for a larger number of X25 wide area and Ethernet local area connections .
6 Spokesman Ben Ord said doorstep canvassing had registered strong support for the Liberal Democrats .
7 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
8 All major publicly-funded housing developments will make adequate provision for the less well off .
9 Whatever the future pattern of health care in London , it must make adequate provision for the demands likely to be made in the immediate future .
10 For groups , one adult will be given free admission for every 20 young people in the group
11 Cannigione ( p54 ) offers exciting variety for the dinghy sailor , with unusual wind patterns and a wide range of other sporting opportunities .
12 The strong controls which are necessary to enforce public accountability for the use of taxpayers ' money lead to caution , since experiments by their nature can fail .
13 Economic expansion in seventeenth-century Europe , and the growth of the mining industry in particular , are given special prominence in an analysis that made generous allowance for the role of technical problems in defining areas of scientific research .
14 He displays immature behaviour for a boy of 14 .
15 ‘ It might make interesting reading for the over 30 sporting population , ’ he says .
16 Having taught English Literature for a long time in universities , on both sides of the Atlantic , and having spent some years pondering the questions raised in this book , I have come to some very tentative conclusions about what might be done ; they are not , I might add , of the kind I thought I would come to when I began working on it .
17 The firm which had fire-proofed the building got high praise for the containment of the blaze .
18 The second strong PR option would be to take the opposite line , to say how outrageous it is that there is all this terrible auditing going on , and to promise painful retribution for the wrongdoers .
19 In the group awards , Pardesi and Achaanak shared top spot for the best band , with Apna Sangeeta the best live band and Shaktee best upcoming band .
20 But unlike most of his critics , Tigrett 's achievements include the building of a hospital in the Indian town of Puttaparti , which offers free treatment for the poor .
21 Of course , many software companies make express provision for the user to make a back-up copy .
22 28–8–1866 Norman McLeod , an Elder , had ceased to attend public worship for the last year and two other Elders were sent to find out why , " when he assigned as reasons several charges against the Minister , that his preaching was neither law nor Gospel ; that he considered him aiming at himself personally in his preaching . "
23 And having been backed for the classic at long odds before his Newmarket introduction , Cordoba became clear favourite for the 2000 after treating his six opponents like seaside donkeys .
24 Desert Orchid 's trainer can fill the gaps between the great horse 's latest achievements by dreaming of his first Classic success with Dead Certain , who became clear favourite for the fillies ' Classic with a courageous victory in yesterday 's Cheveley Park Stakes at Newmarket .
25 Parish Clerk Weekley , that man of power and aerial photographs , is pushing for a further diversion to include free eye-testing for the old , and has written to local doctors advising them of this .
26 Lord King will remain non-executive chairman for a year and will then become life president .
27 Expanded memory is much slower than Extended memory , so if it can make do with the latter ( and you do n't need Expanded memory for an old DOS program ) , delete it from your CONFIG.SYS .
28 The three-day test case has far-reaching significance for the medical staff involved .
29 The Report of the Royal Commission on the Housing of the Industrial Population of Scotland ( Cmd. 8731 , 1917 ) provided ample justification for a new initiative , in its revelations of the wretched housing conditions inherited from earlier years .
30 New Czech tax law to encourage private sponsorship for the arts
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