Example sentences of "[verb] [art] same [noun] again " in BNC.

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1 Repeat the same movement again just below the bone , pressing lightly upwards ( see Fig. 15 ) .
2 The headlines , this time ‘ I Should Be So Scruffy ’ , ensured she never made the same mistake again .
3 Delete the same phrase again and tap Ctrl+End to move to the bottom of the window .
4 The principle of universalizability tells us , then , that in the absence of an available difference we must make the same judgement again .
5 ‘ I will never make the same mistake again . ’
6 I sha n't make the same mistake again . ’
7 She 'd never make the same mistake again :
8 She 'd never make the same mistake again .
9 And I sha n't make the same mistake again . ’
10 We must not make the same mistake again .
11 No , I do not think that I shall make the same mistake again .
12 The general opinion is that Third World countries have suffered so dreadfully under the debt burden , they would not make the same mistake again .
13 On 8 December he told his ministers that he had blundered by treating the election as a referendum and would not make the same mistake again .
14 I 'll never make the same mistake again . ’
15 ‘ I 'm sure that he 'd never make the same mistake again .
16 I do n't think we 'll make the same mistakes again . ’
17 Jackson — forced to pull out of last year 's World Championship final when he suddenly suffered shoulder spasms minutes before the race — declared : ‘ I wo n't make the same mistakes again .
18 And when — inevitably — you do capsize , you soon learn how to not make the same mistakes again .
19 Fortunately most pet cats , if they do encounter a toad , quickly learn that it tastes bad and , after one preliminary nip , rapidly drop the squirming amphibian and never make the same mistake again .
20 On 12 July 1984 , Mr Morris tried the same question again for the period since 1973 .
21 Oh well , if she was unwise enough to come to tea , Gina was unlikely to try the same thing again .
22 I propose the same action again .
23 Therefore , the ultimate haemostatic rate may be higher if they all received the same injection again .
24 Having publicly committed themselves to extending legislation to protect residents in small private residential care homes , the Government left it to a Back-Bench Member to bring in a Bill , and they have done the same thing again .
25 ‘ I know a guy who has been fined three times and he 's done the same thing again and got another fine .
26 It might feel the same way again , ’ one diplomat pointed out .
27 Among financial and personnel managers generally , one in four admitted they would not choose the same career again , 60% were satisfied with their choice , and 15% were unsure .
28 The danger of this is that the fear of an award of damages against it would unduly encourage the authority to reach the same decision again , thus creating an appearance of bias .
29 And if they took him to hospital he 'd just do the same thing again and again , until his family gave in .
30 That would give him a week 's grace at least , and then he 'd do the same thing again in some other place to stay untraceable .
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