Example sentences of "[verb] [art] time [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the absolute beginner and those who lack the time or enthusiasm , the selection of a remedy can take place by considering primarily the very important symptoms of the remedies which have been printed in bold type , ignoring all the information in ordinary type .
2 At the least , Dr Mathew 's computer-instrument will put music within the grasp of would-be musicians who lack the time or inclination to learn how to play .
3 ‘ When the ref makes the scrum come up and back again , like in the Moore case , the packs must be given the time and position to reset properly .
4 Henry Parris , tutor-organiser for Northamptonshire who had previously served in a similar capacity in Yorkshire North District , also acknowledged that most of his organising work could have been done by voluntary members , given the time and opportunity to travel around the county .
5 Even if teachers were given the time and opportunity to develop their professional lives in the ways they felt most suitable , the questions and dilemmas that face them are so many and so deep that it is indeed a daunting task .
6 Harvey thrust him aside and , with a gallantry which began even to him to appear to be excessively foolish , given the time and place , dragged Amaranth from the clutches of the mob .
7 The senior nurse in the Planning Unit or another suitable senior nurse should be given the time and authority to carry out an establishment " exercise throughout the Health Authority .
8 These were perceived as tools of management , [ who ] were only interested in productivity and in milking as much as possible out of their work force and were thus responded to by a work force who were determined to ensure that their rewards were as high as possible , and thus there was a perceived necessity to fool the time and motion man .
9 From the AIB point of view the exercise meant devoting the time and effort of a number of experienced personnel to activities that served no benefit to the Branch .
10 One person may wish to dedicate more of his time to other pursuits and therefore accept the authority of a reasonably just and competent government over a whole range of issues regarding which another may prefer to decide for himself , and be willing to invest the time and effort it takes to enable himself to decide wisely .
11 If I worked hard and cracked the Agenda system , I would end up either having to spend a lot of money to continue , or seeing the time and work wasted .
12 The person concerned will obviously know the time and property concerned .
13 The real losers are the ‘ transport poor ’ ( chapter 6 ) , and the reason for this is that official estimates of the costs of key settlement policies do not generally include the time and money costs of individuals .
14 If anyone who went to the game on Sat has the time and inclination to write a report on it , I for one would be glad to read it .
15 To identify somebody with such skills and sufficient knowledge of the subject matter who also has the time and energy to take on the task will be a major problem to most groups .
16 There is no reason why a professor of history , say , should not also manage a family business if he has the time and energy .
17 Both Pen and Ferdinando rushed in immediately the carriage drew up at the door and wonderful was the reunion ; then within the hour the kindest of notes came from Mrs Browning begging her to find the time and energy to visit whenever she was able .
18 They only managed to convert one of them , when Shaun Taylor found the time and space in a crowded penalty area to knock home the equaliser .
19 He found the time and energy , however , to write a pamphlet attacking a scheme for Church Union in South India .
20 Astonishing though it may seem , it was during this period of external and internal tension that Franco found the time and tranquillity necessary to write a novel , which was later converted into a film script .
21 Only that we would want all students to experience these things to the fullest , so that they all have varied and rich experiences in all these spheres , and that we make special efforts to provide the time and space for the students to explore and develop their abilities and inclinations to learn and develop personal qualities without being directed .
22 Spain 's dominant classes were therefore permitted the time and opportunity for marshalling their powerful opposition to the very measures that were intended to weaken them .
23 The first thing is for the interviewer to find a time and date which are suitable .
24 If a particular human is capable of handling the proper aspects of a gadget , which must include mental knowledge of its place in the Machine of Evolution , then it is possible to use it as an aid , but as there are increasing numbers of gadgets being invented and marketed , so the human brain has no time and space to see these in relation to its own life/thought scale because , upon being born , the human is thrown immediately into a multi-armed and legged wrestling match with levers , wires , buttons and switches and fails to grasp the meaning of it all , being occupied totally in rushing to partially master the use of one before the marketeers rush in faster with 10 new gleaming diversions .
25 Print features include delayed de-spooling ( enabling users to set the time and date for printing ) , support for COM3 and COM4 and remote de-spooling .
26 ‘ One advantage is that it can be used indoors at the bigger exhibition centres , thus saving the time and expense of setting up individual exhibitions . ’
27 Similarly , with the various aspects of stock work , careful and skilful handling not only reduced the time and effort of the person involved but also the stress to the stock .
28 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
29 Dave is a dog lover but because of his army routine and duties , he has not had the time or lifestyle to be able to keep a dog .
30 The man checks my gun as if I 'd had the time and opportunity to fix the outcome , and then rather begrudgingly hands over a very full pair of red fake fur lips .
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