Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [num ord] year of " in BNC.

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1 Having successfully completed the first year of the new Teachers ' Training Course the students have gone away to grapple with their holiday assignments .
2 Information sessions will cover the first year of the pilot and one college 's experience of offering the additional assessment .
3 This month , they also celebrate the 30th year of production at Ellesmere Port .
4 Clifford Allen , who since 1934 had built up an all-Party group of experts committed to collective security and domestic reform , resisted pressures to take up the cause of the People 's Front , and , instead , devoted the last year of his life to actively assisting Chamberlain 's diplomacy .
5 Announcing a third year of increased profits , managing director Anthony Mackintosh tells me : ‘ We plan to have a new front entrance , so in the evening it 's not quite so like Twickenham . ’
6 I am confident that by January 1994 , as the Institute reviews the second year of audit regulation , we shall be able to demonstrate that professional regulation is working and is working well .
7 Here , Mr. Christopher Lawrence-Price had kindly lent his charming first floor flat to Miss Deborah Bennett , to give a little party to celebrate the fifth year of successfully working on her own in marketing and public relations .
8 The academic year 1992/3 has seen the first year of fully modularised courses at Napier .
9 Transfer to the BA Hons Irish Studies is possible for students who successfully complete the first year of the Diploma of Higher Education in Irish Studies ( see page 151 ) .
10 However , as we begin the fourth year of low rainfall ( an understatement in my area ) and severe watering restrictions , these brunneras are no longer ideal for my garden .
11 Most of the people , just over two thirds , who spent all the last year of their life in a residential or nursing home were 85 or more , and it is this age group which is predicted to increase most rapidly in the next twenty years ( Central Statistical Office ( CSO ) , 1989 ) so it is likely that increasing numbers will spend the last year of their lives in such homes .
12 It has been suggested that Bede , in order to synchronize diverse chronological tradition , ‘ considered the whole year of the Incarnation , in which a king died , as his last year and reckoned the next year of the Incarnation as the first of his successor ’ , so that if , for example , Oswiu died in 670 , the whole of 671 was Ecgfrith 's first year for Bede and the whole of 685 his fifteenth .
13 On Nov. 24 , the UK government announced that it would provide a second year of training for the new Namibian Defence Force , following a visit to the UK in April by Foreign Minister Gurirab , and a visit to Windhoek by UK Defence Secretary Tom King in July .
14 For those members taking part in the British Trust for Ornithology/BASF Garden Bird Survey , we are pleased to announce that BASF have generously agreed to continue their support by sponsoring a third year of the survey .
15 Hence , we do need to think about how we will deal with the situation if the Government rides roughshod over all informed opinion and ceases to fund the fifth year of full-time education .
16 Only a day after reporting the second year of falling personal computer sales ( CI No 2,157 ) , the Japan Electronic Industry Development Association says that Japanese manufacturers ' shipments of personal computers jumped 6.2% in unit terms during the January to March quarter from a year earlier , and the rise in combined exports and domestic sales to 688,000 units from 648,000 units in the year-earlier quarter marked the first quarterly rise in two years ; exports rocketed 31% to 144,000 units but domestic shipments only inched up 1.1% to 544,000 units , but was still the first quarterly increase in two-and-a-half years ; because of the price wars , combined export and domestic shipments of made-in-Japan micros — when measured in currency terms , fell 8.3% — exports and home sales each off 8% .
17 The colourful addition to the Bedford fleet has been refurbished and repainted in Wimpey colours to mark the second year of sponsorship by WCUK Eastern .
18 Next year every member — new or renewing — will receive a ‘ free gift ’ to mark the 35th year of the Medau Society .
19 The course would run for seven years , at the end of which graduates would enter the second year of residency programmes .
20 The region 's Women 's Desk has already entered the second year of its life .
21 The evidence was that it was then possible to change from the H N D course to start the second year of the graduate course in what had been Autumn nineteen eighty nine .
22 Just a few days before he was due to start the second year of his course , his body was discovered by fire crews in the remains of a barn fire .
23 For those surviving the first year of life , however , the chances were improving ; death-rate fell from 23 per 1,000 ( living ) in 1841 to 18 per 1,000 in 1901 .
24 The most fundamental events in people 's lives are strongly affected by their social class , ranging from their chances of surviving the first year of life through likely age of marriage and number of children to the kind of diseases they are most likely to die of ( Reid 1977 ) .
25 Even the teenage mothers ' infants had good chances of surviving the first year of life , if their fathers were 25–29 years old .
26 Leatherhead Sports Council has marked the tenth year of the Society 's association with the Leatherhead Leisure Centre with an award in recognition of the work done by teachers there .
27 I 've spent the last year of my life caring for the wrong person . ’
28 Joe Robertson , of Lochend , who is starting the first year of Bachelor of Education ( Technology ) course at the Moray House College of Education .
29 Wendy Georgeson , of Lerwick , who is entering the first year of an LLB law degree course at the University of Edinburgh ;
30 Entering the third year of the Intifada , it is more than ever clear that time is of the essence : how to keep it going long enough at a level which does not yield to the temptations of ruinous , reciprocal escalation , but still disturbs the outside world enough to get them to bring the Israeli extremists to heel .
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