Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [num ord] year [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although Hayman was over-age for recruitment , he was taken into the Diplomatic Service as a first secretary in 1954 and posted the next year to Belgrade .
2 Having successfully completed the first year of the new Teachers ' Training Course the students have gone away to grapple with their holiday assignments .
3 Jo Siffert was to go the next year in a non-championship race at Brands Hatch .
4 Information sessions will cover the first year of the pilot and one college 's experience of offering the additional assessment .
5 This month , they also celebrate the 30th year of production at Ellesmere Port .
6 Clifford Allen , who since 1934 had built up an all-Party group of experts committed to collective security and domestic reform , resisted pressures to take up the cause of the People 's Front , and , instead , devoted the last year of his life to actively assisting Chamberlain 's diplomacy .
7 Xerxes 's fleet was destroyed in 480 at Salamis under Athenian leadership , and his army defeated the next year at Plataea under the Spartans .
8 Announcing a third year of increased profits , managing director Anthony Mackintosh tells me : ‘ We plan to have a new front entrance , so in the evening it 's not quite so like Twickenham . ’
9 I am confident that by January 1994 , as the Institute reviews the second year of audit regulation , we shall be able to demonstrate that professional regulation is working and is working well .
10 While optimists pointed to the downward trend , pessimists noted the sixth year with a deficit in excess of $100,000 million and an overall increase in oil imports .
11 Here , Mr. Christopher Lawrence-Price had kindly lent his charming first floor flat to Miss Deborah Bennett , to give a little party to celebrate the fifth year of successfully working on her own in marketing and public relations .
12 The academic year 1992/3 has seen the first year of fully modularised courses at Napier .
13 A pupil at Fernhill School , Rutherglen , she plans a sixth year with a view to going to university to study law .
14 Transfer to the BA Hons Irish Studies is possible for students who successfully complete the first year of the Diploma of Higher Education in Irish Studies ( see page 151 ) .
15 However , as we begin the fourth year of low rainfall ( an understatement in my area ) and severe watering restrictions , these brunneras are no longer ideal for my garden .
16 The idea being is that they would now spend the first year at college , possibly we then would look at them better and
17 Most of the people , just over two thirds , who spent all the last year of their life in a residential or nursing home were 85 or more , and it is this age group which is predicted to increase most rapidly in the next twenty years ( Central Statistical Office ( CSO ) , 1989 ) so it is likely that increasing numbers will spend the last year of their lives in such homes .
18 It has been suggested that Bede , in order to synchronize diverse chronological tradition , ‘ considered the whole year of the Incarnation , in which a king died , as his last year and reckoned the next year of the Incarnation as the first of his successor ’ , so that if , for example , Oswiu died in 670 , the whole of 671 was Ecgfrith 's first year for Bede and the whole of 685 his fifteenth .
19 On Nov. 24 , the UK government announced that it would provide a second year of training for the new Namibian Defence Force , following a visit to the UK in April by Foreign Minister Gurirab , and a visit to Windhoek by UK Defence Secretary Tom King in July .
20 For those members taking part in the British Trust for Ornithology/BASF Garden Bird Survey , we are pleased to announce that BASF have generously agreed to continue their support by sponsoring a third year of the survey .
21 Hence , we do need to think about how we will deal with the situation if the Government rides roughshod over all informed opinion and ceases to fund the fifth year of full-time education .
22 Only a day after reporting the second year of falling personal computer sales ( CI No 2,157 ) , the Japan Electronic Industry Development Association says that Japanese manufacturers ' shipments of personal computers jumped 6.2% in unit terms during the January to March quarter from a year earlier , and the rise in combined exports and domestic sales to 688,000 units from 648,000 units in the year-earlier quarter marked the first quarterly rise in two years ; exports rocketed 31% to 144,000 units but domestic shipments only inched up 1.1% to 544,000 units , but was still the first quarterly increase in two-and-a-half years ; because of the price wars , combined export and domestic shipments of made-in-Japan micros — when measured in currency terms , fell 8.3% — exports and home sales each off 8% .
23 He then went to Boston and opened a gallery , followed the next year by one in New York and subsequently , in 1928 , by the present London gallery on Hans Road , across from Harrods .
24 The official birth of the Italian Transavanguardia movement with which Bonito Oliva 's name is now crucially linked took place in 1979 in an exhibition he organised entitled ‘ Opere fatte ad arte ’ at Acireale , followed the next year by ‘ Aperto 80 ’ at the Biennale which featured the work of Chia , Clemente , Cucchi , De Maria and Paladino , the first in a series of shows devoted to young artists at the Venice festival .
25 The first victory for an American-bred horse was in 1908 when Rubio triumphed , followed the next year by the first French success with Lutteur III .
26 The colourful addition to the Bedford fleet has been refurbished and repainted in Wimpey colours to mark the second year of sponsorship by WCUK Eastern .
27 Next year every member — new or renewing — will receive a ‘ free gift ’ to mark the 35th year of the Medau Society .
28 Alan Duncan , of the GMB , said : ‘ It is absolutely irresponsible to waste the next year on a debate of no interest or concern to the people we represent . ’
29 The course would run for seven years , at the end of which graduates would enter the second year of residency programmes .
30 The region 's Women 's Desk has already entered the second year of its life .
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