Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [det] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Two days later I met the same lady and her sari had been stolen in the middle of the night .
2 The confidentiality claim met the same fate as the other arguments .
3 It met the same fate as its predecessors .
4 This combination of specimens could be recognized either by grouping them into a single genus or into a tribe , and on present evidence I favour the latter alternative and suggest the Afropithecini as a suitable name .
5 The new instrument seeks to skin the same cat but in a slightly different way .
6 As far back as 1904 Winston Churchill had foreseen the same change when he predicted the tariff reformers ' coming takeover of the party .
7 It is not difficult to see why corporate crime has not received the same publicity as murder , robbery , theft , rape and so on — both in the mass media and in the study of crime .
8 ‘ Did anyone know that Mowbray had received the same warning as Sir Ralph ? ’
9 The methods and their paraphernalia are all ‘ stageprops ’ , aids to contacting the same force and channelling the mind in that direction .
10 All in all , being an under sixteen-year-old mother has little official recognised status at all , even though this involves the same care and costs as for an older mother .
11 Cooper was trained as an art historian and he applied the same methodology and rigorous scholarship to his chosen artists as earlier generations had to the Old Masters .
12 Most people in bands have quite similar backgrounds and I reckon a lot of them shared the same experience as I did .
13 " Philip so honoured him " , wrote Roger of Howden , " that every day they ate at the same table , shared the same dish and a- night the bed did not separate them .
14 The rich , the good , the pretty , the blessed all shared the same fate as the poor , the bad , the ugly , the deprived .
15 They shared the same cigarette and frolicked in the pool .
16 They shared the same paynote and were self-selected .
17 Trams and buses henceforward shared the same Body and Paint shops , while a new Fitting shop was created in an adjacent building fronting on to the Coliseum .
18 ‘ This little oasis is a great pleasure to everyone in the area and it would be a travesty if it were ever to go the same way as everywhere else in the Newbury district — for commercial gain . ’
19 We do n't want the same to happen to us in the UK — to go the same way as the British motor or electronics industries have — and to prevent this we must make ourselves as lean , fit and efficient as possible ; able to compete with the Japanese on quality , service , delivery and price .
20 Football clubs and debt go hand in hand but few seem to go the same way as the hundreds of small businesses biting the dust every day .
21 Well you 're meant to go the same way as the clock goes and that means it 's you next .
22 I 've cut the ropes that bind me to the shore , she thought , and sinking down onto the arm of Meredith 's chair she listened , smiling , to one of the pirates confiding that when he was in town he consulted the same dentist as dear Johnny .
23 If no changes occur then repeat the same remedy and wait again .
24 But the one who made the most impact and will probably pay dearly for his injudicious comments during the week was Colin Montgomerie .
25 Again , the TUC General Council made the same accusation when it met the Beveridge Committee seventeen years later : F.H .
26 Fat Man and Little Boy ) , made the same year and released at the cinema .
27 I made the same mistake that I make , year after year .
28 My story is similar to Annie 's in that I made the same mistake and thought of my granddaughter as a substitute child .
29 Malcolm Smith , who runs the noted Jencra herd at Stoke on Trent , paid 7,500gn for Jim Goldie 's 17-month-old Epatant son , Goldie 's Globetrotter , while the suitably named Goldie 's Goldmine , another by the same sire , made the same amount when it sold in a private deal to David Dick of Mains of Throsk , Stirling , and Archie McGregor , Allanfauld , Kilsyth , after being turned out of the ring unsold at 7,200gn .
30 One who did made the same point as many arts students :
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