Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [det] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 We three shared the same interests and opinions , and spent the days and evenings very happily together .
2 Freames and Pitts Mills were in close proximity to one another and this , coupled with the fact that at various times they shared the same tenants and were put to similar uses , has caused a certain amount of confusion .
3 He found there was no real difference between Santiago marginals and those in higher strata in a cultural way , that is , they shared the same values and aspirations , but the squatters were unable to realise these because of structural features .
4 What with those tutors , hers is English English , her friends ’ English ; she did the same things and made the same jokes and had the qualities they admired — the post-Edwardians , the young new Georgians of her set , her sets — dash , courage , brilliance , intellectual freedom .
5 Economies of scope are likely to arise in ( i ) railways , between passenger and freight transport using the same lines and ( ii ) electricity generation , between peak and off-peak periods , some of the same equipment being used .
6 Try to depart from your model trial just sufficiently to prevent counsel using the same speeches and the same questions to witnesses .
7 Bouton and his collaborators have conducted a series of experiments ( for reviews see Bouton ( 1988 , 1990 ) ) using the same stimuli and general procedures as those employed by Bouton and Swarzentruber ( 1986 ) but differing in that no explicit training was given .
8 We would like to thank the many doctors and scientists in the United Kingdom and abroad who have been involved in research into nutrition and obesity .
9 Parents , friends and students came along to see the many activities and interests available to the mentally handicapped in this part of Kent .
10 Please lads , do n't make the same mistakes and take something from the game .
11 All local agreements up and down the country which it counted to eighty odds were all scrubbed and there was what you call a national agreement established to cover the whole of Scotland which meant the man in the remotest part of Scotland got the same wages and conditions as in as the man in Edinburgh or Glasgow or any big city .
12 And Petrarch lived quite near here in Avignon , and I am seeing the same cypresses and oleanders …
13 Demand for his services exceeded his capacity to meet the many requests and in the second year of the scheme he acquired a car to provide greater mobility .
14 Members of the senior management team who will be responsible for guiding and shaping the Board to meet the many challenges and opportunities of the future are …
15 And they always say the same things and you think , oh you told us that yesterday .
16 A local authority has the same powers and duties under an interim care order as it does under a final order subject only to the court 's power to limit the duration of the order and make directions for examination and assessment .
17 ‘ Hankin has the same qualities and enthusiasm as Little .
18 The leader still has the same weaknesses and strengths as any other man and it is as well to study and know them .
19 Peter Arkell , has the same ideals and ambitions as his great grandfather , John Arkell , who , as a wealthy farmer , founded the brewery in 1843 .
20 Their catalogue illustrates the many boxes and boards they have constructed , and they specialise in making boxes to clients ' own specifications .
21 The next question used the same factors and asked how Ernst & Young compare to the respondent 's expectations .
22 What is more interesting is to discover how far these were due to industrialisation , and used the same methods and technology as were transforming industry .
23 Leonard Aldous used the same tools and made the same type of harness as his predecessors did in medieval times .
24 Swindon Town have strengthened their side by signing the former Spurs and England defender Terry Fenwick on a one year contract …
25 Now they 're not applying the same rules and regulations in Savac and Sarouac , it 's the island peninsular , maybe their reaction to the Friends of the Earth is symptomatic of a certain degree of bad conscience that they have with the , with the other two .
26 To ask them is to assume that Mr Jones next door holds the same opinions and follows the same practices as Mr Smith across the road .
27 Of course , you will need a few bits and bobs to get started , but Pat can provide a list .
28 ‘ I entered a few eisteddfods and competitions and did the exams but that was as far as I went .
29 But there are other less obvious savings which can be taken into account if you are prepared to write a few letters and fill out a form or two .
30 We did so , heaving and pushing until the bed moved a few inches and I saw the slight scorch mark on the stone floor beneath .
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