Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] state " in BNC.

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1 We last met the Secretary of State in May 1991 .
2 The symbiotic relationship between State and nobility limited the scope of state power and conditioned government policy .
3 The Act of 1971 , empowered the Secretary of State to ‘ give guidance ’ to the Authority with respect to their statutory functions .
4 The Act empowered the Secretary of State to put a limit on the amount if in his opinion the amount proposed to be raised was ‘ excessive ’ according to principles he determined which were to be the same for all authorities falling within the same class .
5 It empowered the Secretary of State for Scotland to issue regulations governing the conduct and the responsibilities of local education authorities .
6 It empowered the Secretary of State to prescribe a common curriculum ( to be called the national curriculum ) for pupils of compulsory school age in maintained schools ( for details , see Chapter 10 ) , to set attainment targets for each of its constituent subjects at the ages of 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 , and to make arrangements for assessing how well these are met ; established a National Curriculum Council ( for England ) and a Curriculum Council for Wales to oversee the implementation and assessment of the national curriculum ; required LEAs , school governors and head teachers to ensure that the national curriculum is taught in all maintained schools .
7 It empowered the Secretary of State to enter into long-term agreements to fund city technology colleges ( see Chapter 5 ) .
8 On the final day of Coleman 's life an appeal for a stay of execution was denied by the Supreme Court by a vote of 7:2 , reflecting a growing determination to uphold the decision of state courts and , thereby , to limit the scope of appeals by Death Row prisoners [ see above ] .
9 The request which was made to me in Committee was to bring forward amendments to enable the Secretary of State to set up a funding council , on the clear understanding that no commitment was being given that we would wish to do such a thing .
10 In paragraph 78 , the report records the Secretary of State as saying : ’ the view that we took was that the technology that was involved was reasonably well proven We were perfectly satisfied that it would work . ’
11 Li 's report reiterated the commitment to economic reform and opening up , and advocated freeing the majority of prices , while maintaining the primacy of state ownership and the " socialist planned commodity economy " [ see also p. 37917 ] .
12 Some of these remain , but most of the Central Government grant to local authorities is now in the form of the rate support grant and a grant known as a block grant , which involves the Secretary of State deciding the total sum to be paid to all local authorities ( after consultation with the local authority associations , and approval of the House of Commons ) and its apportionment .
13 And can we expect states to allow non-coercive jural agencies to gather information in an effective manner when this involves the divulgence of state secrets , even if this is seen as the only way to secure confidence in , for instance , disarmament treaties ?
14 This passed the responsibility for state education from the school boards to the county and county borough councils , and devised a formula for the comprehensive financial support of the church schools that preserved a measure of voluntary control .
15 I shall answer the Secretary of State 's question .
16 Nevertheless , the ERA has given the Secretary of State considerable powers .
17 The second circumstance is that planning legislation has given the Secretary of State the power to take applications out of the hands of local planning authorities and to decide them himself .
18 The British government has backed down under pressure from the House of Lords over a controversial proposal that would have given the Secretary of State for Education formal responsibility for the way in which universities are run ( see Nature 362 , 275 ; 1993 ) .
19 The Minister said in Committee that he believed that if abuses were proven the Secretary of State would be able to act .
20 This plan was an impossibility from the outset , and after several months of confused meetings of everyone concerned at County Hall , I went with two or three others to see the Secretary of State to recommend strongly that one single statutory authority should be appointed to deal with the area .
21 The chamber of commerce , the local authority , the trade unions and the Members of Parliament came down to London to see the Secretary of State .
22 I am pleased to see the Secretary of State for Social Security in his place , because he has said that the decision in January 1991 to stop such payments was taken because ’ It has never been the intention , nor is it sensible , that in the generality of cases Housing Benefit should be available as an alternative to income support ’ .
23 We have been lucky enough to see the Minister of State ; he has been very kind and we have had really good discussions with him .
24 There are some who have corruptly manipulated the production of state factories for their own personal gain , there are some who have covertly passed on the writings of Alexander Solzhenitsyn .
25 Gladstone and Russell became Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Secretary respectively , for the second time , and Sir Charles Wood , a former President of the Board of Control , became the Secretary of State for India .
26 When Harold Wilson was re-elected in September 1974 , she again became the Secretary of State for Health and Social Security .
27 It named the Minister of Education ( who became the Secretary of State for Education and Science in 1964 ) as the arbiter in disputes between LEAs , LEAs and governors , and LEAs and the public .
28 Media theories for the present must , therefore , make the absence of state control their cornerstone .
29 In perpetuating a financial structure which offers tremendous advantages to large firms , it is as important to consider the role of the state in maintaining the idiosyncrasies of the financial system as it is to debate the extent of state control over commercial banks .
30 My hon. Friend the Member for Leyton ( Mr. Cohen ) yesterday asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Environment , the hon. Member for Salisbury ( Mr. Key ) , whether he would consider the abolition of the minimum 20 per cent .
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