Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] having [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So who cared about having a too-honest face ?
2 He goes off having a certain amount of difficulty walking , the sharp little packets no doubt cutting into the delicate peachstone flesh of his testicles .
3 … with GCSE we 're plumping for having an external examiner to come into school , because the school years ago did a Mode 3 CSE , where all the kids put up an exhibition .
4 Carl Reilly was stopped after having a few too many at a business lunch .
5 He 'd been fined for having a dangerous vehicle .
6 Another service to industry , which has Just started up , looks like having a great future .
7 Offering substantial weight savings to makers of electronic packages , the material looks like having a bright future and Barry Moloney , Marketing and Sales Manager responsible for HIVOL , was kept very busy discussing possible applications and the advantages it promises .
8 I certainly did n't count on having a bizarre looking pooch as a companion — I just could n't get rid of her .
9 ‘ He taught me that you could win without having the fastest car , by tactics and organisation .
10 But I would not have objected to having the extra music .
11 Her confidence was further eroded by both Patricio and Angel launching into a Hurry of Latin hysterics that all the press would be there and why should the humiliation of a certain Mendoza defeat be quadrupled by having a stupid girl on the team .
12 But the remaining 43 were to be elected by local and national politicians on a vocational basis : that is , they had to be elected to five panels for which they would qualify by having the requisite vocational expertise — administrative , cultural — educational , labour , industrial and commercial , and agricultural .
13 There is something to be said for having a well-fed appearance . ’
14 Emissions from BS 's Teesside works and ICI Wilton are widely suspected of having a detrimental effect on health .
15 The Italian ( GlSSI ) study was one of the first where treatment was administered soon after the onset of symptoms to patients suspected of having an acute myocardial infarction . "
16 Crohn 's disease has long been suspected of having an infective aetiology .
17 But if you are one of the 75 per cent who have decided against having an independent survey , then read on — you need this book more than anyone .
18 ( Perhaps this is why it is claimed that boys ' academic performance is higher in ‘ mixed ’ schools than in ‘ boys only ’ schools : they benefit from having a whole group to be better than !
19 ‘ Even if I do n't succeed in having the Royal Prerogative exercised in favour of the 307 men , they have been vindicated by the most important court in the land British public opinion , ’ he said .
20 ‘ The whole of Teesside will benefit from having a cleaner river , not just the 200,000 people living in the Stockton and western Middlesbrough areas who are served by the works , ’ he said .
21 They noted , however , that it was possible that excessive protectiveness could result from having an abnormal child rather than the reverse .
22 The nearest Britain came to having a deaf monarch was in the case of Prince Albert Victor , eldest son of the Prince and Princess of Wales , later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra .
23 Much depends on having a good provision of aids geared to the needs of those in residence , not ‘ hand me downs ’ from previous occupants , to maximise individual independence .
24 Having shown that a part of the brain is involved in a process like language , for example , we are then faced with the question of specifying the nature of that involvement , which depends on having a serviceable psychological model of that process .
25 Is my hon. Friend aware that up to 500,000 jobs in Britain depend on having a sensible , controlled market , and that discipline and control of third world dumped imports can be brought about only if we have a sensible GATT regime ?
26 You will thus benefit by having an easier , and pleasanter , interaction en route to achieving your objective
27 This is done by having a virtual computer which more closely matches the user 's requirements than the real computer , and implementing it partly by direct operations of the hardware and partly by operations of the operating system running on the hardware , A major aspect of the virtual computer is the provision of high-level languages , but the operating system is expected to provide other facilities , such as simple access to transput devices ( in particular a filing system , and communication with the operator , and perhaps the user , at a terminal ) , the current date and time , etc .
28 This can only be done by having a transformed imagination , something that can only come about through a ‘ revelation ’ .
29 Often it is necessary to have some storage of clean water for backwashing , and this is conveniently done by having an elevated tank for the storage of filtered water , the head of water giving sufficient pressure for backwashing .
30 ‘ It is possible they operate individually but are connected by having the same contacts , for instance a dealer in Essex or Ireland , ’ said Det Sgt Elston .
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