Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] her [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Marjorie left Lizzie 's body at the vet 's and arranged for her to be cremated .
2 She could n't guess why Sandra Kettering in her detailed instructions had arranged for her to be there and for that mistake to be made .
3 He 'd known perfectly well how she 'd react when he 'd arranged for her to be taken on for this play .
4 ‘ That was why , when she showed promise as an artist , my mother-in-law arranged for her to be trained in Paris — and even provided money for the purpose . ’
5 I 've phoned the doctor , and he 's arranged for her to be admitted to hospital for observation , or whatever they do .
6 Her mother fought for her to be educated at school like other children .
7 I was no expert , but I would know enough to make a preliminary diagnosis and summon an ambulance if I had to arrange for her to be taken into hospital .
8 He could hardly stand still for the two minutes it took to slip them over his blouse and he shouted at her to be quick , that Ferdinando was waiting to take him rabbit-shooting .
9 At the same time , I was refusing for her to be brought to the prison because although I wanted to see her more than anything , I was damn sure she was n't going to come to prison and see me .
10 ‘ Let me do that for you , ’ he said , for it did not seem fitting for her to be pouring out drinks .
11 If she needs nursing care , arrangements can sometimes be made for her to be admitted for a few weeks to the local hospital on medical recommendation .
12 Peasants came to her to be reminded of a particular tale the details of which they had mislaid in the mists of childhood ; more sophisticated members of the community , less concerned with the tale than the teller , made the journey to Elling in an effort to keep alive a tradition that had died elsewhere .
13 The notion of giving a helping hand to a new literature produced against these overwhelming odds would naturally appear to her to be anathema .
14 The sea-gravel seemed to her to be composed of ‘ shattered rubies tinted with mauve ’ .
15 He seemed to her to be extremely ancient ( he was 35 ) .
16 The question seemed to her to be doubly hostile , implying both that the Prince was too short and that she was too tall .
17 The material seemed to her to be a thick heavy silk .
18 The world beyond seemed to her to be filled with treachery ; treachery to the spirit , abandonment of principle .
19 This , in spite of resolving not to do it again , not to lower her standards , which playing pop classics against a background noise of trains and pounding feet and chatter , yells and whistles and rival groups , seemed to her to be .
20 " Well , then , " she continued , with what seemed to her to be the very height of aware sophistication , " why ever did you want to come here on this sort of trip ? "
21 Alix seemed to her to be both practical and highly intelligent .
22 All that seemed to her to be like a man writing , a foreigner to Italy , advising other foreigners , a teacher displaying his wisdom to likely pupils .
23 Molly turned the paper over and found a list of figures prefixed with lire signs and equipped with what seemed to her to be generous allowances of noughts .
24 Grainne was no longer quite sure that they were real , for the Castle seemed to her to be so brimful of lingering emotions and the resonances of the past that the footsteps might have belonged to the distant past , or the far-off future , or to a world outside Ireland altogether .
25 Marion decided finally that she 'd start with " Dearest Pete " and work up gradually to " Pete , my darling " because that seemed to her to be the most loving , the most tender , the most romantic : the one with the sound of real love echoing round the saying of it when it was spoken .
26 It seemed to her to be the nearest thing to rough justice that would ever present itself .
27 He seemed to her to be too splendid to wash dishes ; even Glyn would not think of it , and Alain seemed to her to be a figure of towering importance , the most masculine man she had ever seen .
28 He seemed to her to be too splendid to wash dishes ; even Glyn would not think of it , and Alain seemed to her to be a figure of towering importance , the most masculine man she had ever seen .
29 She followed that up with what seemed to her to be the inevitable question : ‘ Well , are you a virgin then ? ’
30 She had worked hard last week , but there seemed to her to be more work than ever landing on her desk this week .
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