Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Three years later , he emigrated with his parents to Israel , yet became a frequent commuter to the major musical centres of Europe , where he caught the eye of such musical heavyweights as Edwin Fischer , Wilhelm Furtwangler and ( most especially ) Arthur Rubinstein , who took an immense interest in the young pianist and arranged for him to be represented by his agent , the legendary Sol Hurok .
2 To offset the charge of inexperience , Reagan 's sponsors arranged for him to be briefed on state issues by specialist advisers .
3 Halfway down the Haymarket , now quite a distance from Piccadilly Circus , Neil paused , breathless , and afterwards wondered what kind god had arranged for him to be where he was .
4 David attempted to reassure him , and after he 'd arranged for him to be seen in the casualty department of the local eye unit he asked the factory welfare officer , Louise Raymond , to take him over .
5 I once specially asked for him to be there and then demanded to know at the rehearsal who was this man sitting with the flutes .
6 His mother , unable to find the strength to battle against him , wrote to the school and asked for him to be excused .
7 A week later the labour master was convicted ; he was fined ten shillings and costs , although the solicitor who was defending him asked for him to be sentenced to a term of imprisonment ( in which case , an appeal could have been lodged ) .
8 I was told that the manager had gone to lunch , and when I asked for him to be bleeped I was told again that he had gone to lunch and that he had left his bleep at the switchboard — all in a tone that suggested that this was standard behaviour .
9 Gatting , back after serving three years of a five-year ban for his part in the rebel tour of South Africa , has unselfishly not forgotten how Gower fought for him to be his understudy in the sub-continent .
10 Liam complained that he had plenty to do with the new shop opening for him to be running around after doctors — ‘ just because a couple of kiddies are sick ’ .
11 The time had come for him to be totally unselfish and think only of Anna .
12 ‘ High or low will seldom suit the taste of a painter who will always move over the surface of his near grounds till the component parts of his subject appear to him to be arranged in the best possible order . ’
13 If the Secretary of State is satisfied … that any local education authority … have acted or are proposing to act unreasonably … he may … give such directions … as appear to him to be expedient .
14 In Albert v. Lavin the question posed for the House of Lords was ‘ whether a constable who reasonably believes that a breach of the peace is about to take place is entitled to detain any person without arrest to prevent that breach of the peace in circumstances which appear to him to be proper . ’
15 ’ unless such allegations go to a matter in issue ( including the credibility of the witness ) which is material to his lay client 's case and which appear to him to be supported by reasonable grounds . ’
16 The legislation requires the secretary of state to prepare a schedule of monuments which appear to him to be ‘ of national importance ’ .
17 Steerforth ‘ bored to death ’ as an undergraduate there , DC 19 ; the dons considered by him to be ‘ a parcel of heavy-headed fellows ’ , DC 20 ; Mrs Nickleby on Oxford undergraduates ' attachment to their nightcaps , NN 38 .
18 Perhaps Eliot 's attitude is an aspect of his puritanism : the pleasure involved in the " sudden relief of producing the poem is itself considered by him to be suspect .
19 His interests and habits had been too strictly and personally framed for him to be anything less than completely reliant on them .
20 Dad was a regular churchgoer himself , a sidesman , so it just would not do for him to be seen working on such a special day in the Church Calendar .
21 He secured some West Riding support for what came to him to be a cause , but his own town , proud of its independence in educational provision , was reluctant to set up a school board after the Education Act of 1870 .
22 ( 2 ) At or after the preliminary appointment if there be one , the arbitrator shall fix a date for the dispute to be heard ( unless the parties consent to his deciding it on the statements and documents submitted to him — an unusual course not usually acceptable to the parties or the district judge ) and he shall give such directions regarding the steps to be taken before and at the hearing as may appear to him to be necessary or desirable .
23 The group 's publicity suggests that the issue being dealt with is mental illness , which led a therapist in the audience to say that none of the characters seemed to him to be mentally ill .
24 But the noises outside still seemed to him to be those of a wood in February .
25 In what seemed to him to be the far distance he could see Mariana and the President climbing up the meadow to meet him .
26 He had once seen a naturalist on the television who seemed to him to be an analogue of himself .
27 Rereading one before he put it in the envelope , it seemed to him to be ill-organized , to have no coherent theme .
28 Pion helped Masklin down on to the ground , which seemed to him to be moving from side to side .
29 Perhaps they had been loaded on the train many hours before Holly , because they seemed to him to be sleeping when he had first seen them in the darkened carriage .
30 What really annoyed Daugherty was that critics were applauding The Public Enemy , a movie which seemed to him to be just a very well-cut and scripted melodrama that would serve as good ‘ yokel bait ’ .
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