Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] them at the " in BNC.

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1 At last , when he thought he could wait no longer , he glimpsed Benedicta slip silently up the nave to join the other two members of his congregation , kneeling between them at the entrance to the rood screen .
2 The sand gets shaken off them at the knockout . ’
3 The Handbook of Over-the-Counter Medicines compiled by Mike Smith ( Kyle Cathie , £6.99 ) lists all sorts of nasty afflictions , from acne to worms , and what you can buy for them at the chemist 's .
4 As described earlier , Brown and his colleagues ( 1986a ) have argued that they now have good evidence that the prior existence of a close supportive relationship is protective against depression if that person provides the support expected of them at the time of a crisis .
5 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
6 The Woodvilles had given no grounds for complaint when he moved against them at the end of April , and the protectorate was still viable in mid June when he chose to end it .
7 clients are , are tapped into it , and we should be able to communicate with them at the press of a button .
8 It is not a sign of " malice " to refuse an apology , or to repeat the allegations prior to trial , or to persist in them at the trial : this is no more than steadfastness in the cause ( although if the allegations turn out to be false , such conduct may increase the damages . )
9 I suggest to them at the beginning of each session that they will learn about a different existence from any they may already have experienced .
10 Staff are not allowed to anticipate paid leave beyond what has accrued to them at the rate shown on the annual leave slip at the time of going on leave .
11 These ledgers can be easily subdivided , enabling several clerks to work on them at the same time and it is also easier to withdraw old accounts and insert new ones in their place .
12 ‘ She 'll want to take a look at those eyes of yours , whether anything can be done about them at the moment or not , and even if it is Boxing Day . ’
13 The facts in the case were similar to those in the instant case in that they involved complaints made against police officers in respect of arrests made by them at the Wapping disturbances in January 1987 .
14 The emigrants ' discomfort was aggravated by tantalising radio reports of the steaming soup tureens , hot water and clean clothes waiting for them at the reception centre in Hof , West Germany .
15 There would be no tall good-looking man waiting for them at the Secret Cove and , once there , she found the Place was , indeed , deserted .
16 The gardener was waiting for them at the front door .
17 Various local councillors and moral guardians were waiting for them at the venue , having read local press reports that the Fabs ' travelling show included a rather racy striptease revue .
18 They found their parents waiting for them at the top of a wide terrace of marble steps , and the governor 's aide-de-camp conducted them to the reception through a series of lofty , marble-floored chambers forty feet high .
19 Oliver and Tim were waiting for them at the gangway .
20 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
21 They hardly expected to see the BMW waiting for them at the dockside , but after they had parked the car and got the ticket , they began to look at their watches , and each other .
22 To Sophie 's and Helen 's surprise , Ian Woodall , looking anxious and drawn , was waiting for them at the hospital .
23 The Bristol Mail was heading towards them at the piteously slow speed of a horse and cart , urged forward by a sleep-weary teenage post-boy .
24 For the purpose of its own capital gains base cost the purchaser of assets buys those assets at the value attributed to them at the time of purchase .
25 No you ca n't look at them at the moment .
26 The appellants sought injunctions restraining the respondents from buying or selling petrol other than that supplied by them at the two garages during the subsistence of the agreements and in respect of garage C during the period of the mortgage .
27 court of appeal decision : unfavourable medical reports obtained confidentially by a plaintiff for the purposes of personal injury litigation which were inadvertently disclosed on discovery to the defendant could be used by them at the trial .
28 ‘ KENDAL : Printed and Published , by R. Lough and Co. and Sold by them at the Chronicle Office , Finkle Street : also by J. Richardson , 91 , Royal Exchange , London ; Constable , Edinburgh ; Smith , Liverpool ; Messrs. I. Clark , and Co .
29 Three of these were his fellow truckers from the night Jim Miller had stumbled into them at the gas station .
30 Four great panthers crash into them at the pavement with a thud like a sledgehammer hitting a mudflat .
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