Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] one day [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We 're all going to go off one day and there 's nothing better than planning for it .
2 And this goblin came along one day and says to this peedie fairy that like he was coming to get her in the morning .
3 The girl comes round here doing a survey , she came round one day and we were civil to her , and just answered questions , you know the way they stop you in the street .
4 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
5 He came in one day and asked what M C C stood for , and I 've always known a lot of useless information , so I could tell him , so I was then dispatched everyday to the erm radio shop in the High Street , to get the cricket scores in Australia .
6 We both came in one day and said we felt a bit odd after reading all that , we felt there were psychological jammers in the thing
7 does , , he came in one day and I said that we really do n't travel a lot you know
8 The first one is called geometrical isomerism in some books not that you ever read , will read any chemistry books but just in case you stumble over one day and fall flat on your face and there happens to be a chemistry text book open and you ha , just happen to read one or two of the words as you go unconscious and in Matthew 's case if you wake up !
9 These are lectures lecture courses which happen on one day and which are really designed to cover something of interest to sixth form science teachers , usually sixth form physics teachers .
10 These programmes last between one day and eight weeks and address the needs of managers at particular times in their career .
11 But I walked in one day and he says , You 'd ge better bugger off home , he says , .
12 Is the Home Office alleging or claiming that an emergency has arisen since the Conservative party conference , that the Bill must be completed in one day and that it is inconceivable that it could be improved in Committee ?
13 But er , he he hopped on one day and er had a talk with him and so on and took my temperature and pulse and that , this , that and other , he said well I 'll call again he said , when I 'm by , but he never did !
14 And then she went in one day and she knew she 'd had a thousand and said can I extend it ?
15 Not all of them I accept and they 've been very helpful and when it comes to erm any other issue , I think basically , unfortunately sir , I think that we have strayed from the debate , we 've strayed onto ethnic issues er er and I think it 's a shame Mr , there was no need to introduce that and of course it was bound to bring a backlash , it was bound to introduce it it it it 's coloured it it 's made opaque the issues because you make it complicated , in actual fact er er I think that er being a governor of a school , I think that 's absolutely marvellous that some youngsters the future , I think the future will decide , I think there are kids out there will turn round one day and say how could you have done that ?
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