Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] this [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and , and stuff like that so I mean in a sense you 're by now a fairly good judge of the way to go about this sort of thing , you 're a fairly good judge of what sort of things are important , perhaps the way in which people describe stuff and , and , you know , words , concepts , vocabularies erm all that kind of thing which obviously it helps if your questionnaire fits in with
2 It was her first visit to a city and she was taken aback by the volume of traffic — ‘ I had heard about this kind of thing , but it 's quite frightening close to like this , ’ she said , as she stood on the pavement in City Square and watched four lanes of vehicles jousting strenuously for position .
3 You 've heard about this symbol of the brotherhood of man set in welcoming Perugia with its ancient traditions of hospitality , where every year bright-eyed , bushy-tailed youngsters come from the four corners of the world to study Italian culture and promote peace and international understanding . ’
4 ‘ I 've heard about this sort of thing before , ’ he said , as if realizing what he 'd stumbled on , or at least what he thought he 'd stumbled on .
5 A sophisticated burglar-alarm system has aided overnight and weekend security and although the caretaker is not on call from 11am to 3.30pm the levels of demand have fallen during this time as a direct result of his monitoring skills .
6 What on earth was she supposed to wear for this evening with Dane — this evening that was n't exactly a date , yet she could think of no other description for it ?
7 And in a sense Mao is saying that it 's , it 's not right to go straight for land reform , you , you 've got to go for this policy of rent reduction , interest rate reduction first .
8 The visitors ' centre also describes the pride of the Spanish Armada , the galleon Girona , which was wrecked off this coast in 1588 with the loss of over 1,000 lives .
9 The explanation given for this splitting of conception from execution with large batch sizes was that ‘ the smaller the batch size is , the greater is the need for frequent conversion of machines to new tools , fixtures and parts programmes , and the less is machine-setting expertise differentiated from operating ’ ( Sorge et al. 1983 , 150 ) .
10 Justification could be given for this assertion by describing Dickens 's view of the London working classes , then describing the view of one or more modern historians , then showing that the two views are significantly different to the extent that Dickens 's could be called incorrect .
11 The theory developed for this purpose by Wimsatt and Brooks ( and in a rather different way by Ransom and Tate ) takes as its starting-point Richards 's ( and Coleridge 's ) principle of the reconciliation of opposites , though the view it arrives at differs from Richards 's in a number of important respects .
12 A new committee , the Joint Hospitality Industry Congress , is being formed for this purpose by the British Hotels , Restaurants and Caterers Association ( BHRCA ) , see page 8 .
13 One of the publishers most successful at catering for this hunger for information is International Data Group ( IDG ) , a firm that has grown big by breaking many of the management rules cherished by other big publishers .
14 The previous half-year figures have been adjusted for this change in presentation .
15 Similarly , if debts due to the company are subject to a floating charge , the interest of the floating charge holder will be subject to any lien or set off that the company creates with respect to the charged assets prior to crystallisation , for a floating charge is not regarded for this purpose as an immediate assignment of the chose in action , it becomes such only on crystallisation .
16 Erm now councillor and I asked for this matter to be brought to this chamber because erm we felt that the matter w was important enough that all members of this council should have an opportunity to debate it .
17 What we do know is that I M R O asked for this information in June nineteen eighty-eight and not long afterwards I M R O granted recognition to B I M and other Maxwell Companies , all the more surprising perhaps having raised the questions whether the question must come about , did they continue with their investigation , or did they let the matter drop and perhaps you might to comment in that context .
18 It follows that I award for this period of care by the plaintiff 's parents the sum of fifteen thousand pounds which equates to an award of three pounds hourly for five thousand hours .
19 According to this theory , initial discrimination training should produce differentiation of the stimuli and the fact that the associations formed during this stage of training do not accord with those likely to be formed during the test phase should be of no consequence .
20 Six seconds of fame after hours of queueing for this fan of a fan THE Lamports had queued for four hours before they were interviewed for the Antiques .
21 In 1275 he surrendered custody of Kilgerran but retained Abergavenny till 1281 and was embroiled during this period in a number of disputes with the tenants of the honour .
22 The courts having bankruptcy jurisdiction in any part of the United Kingdom must assist the courts having corresponding jurisdiction in any other part of the United Kingdom or any other relevant territory ( defined as the Channel Islands , Isle of Man and any other country designated for this purpose by the Secretary of State ) ( s 426(10) and ( 11 ) ) .
23 The passage that follows ( very similar to advice given during this period in Infant Care ) comes from the 1928 edition , and might well be subscribed to by Susanna Wesley : the emphasis may be different , but the spirit is the same .
24 Why do we have to go through this sort of agony in every American Major ?
25 Let us think about this idea for a moment .
26 And what do you think about this idea of turning it into like a little piazza there for everyone to sit out on do you like that idea ?
27 We have to see through this framework of thought for what it is : nothing short of academic ideology .
28 How have strategies for managing workers in data processing developed during this period of rapid growth and how do British managers ' strategies compare with those in several different industrialised countries ?
29 Now , peer through this channel from one end to the other and you will probably see big chunks of fluff that you have missed .
30 At least he 'd fallen off this side of the wall , he would n't have to jump it again .
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