Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] this time [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Exceptional Photoplays labelled it as ‘ an uncompromising film ’ and was quite sure it gave proof that ‘ motion picture art has by this time attained its majority ’ .
2 The four symphonies written during this time reflect Italian influences in their design and content .
3 The work done at this time did , however , serve to educate the permanent officials in the new approach to economic policy .
4 A British report on the American occupation written at this time commented scathingly that the Koreans employed by the military government were ‘ almost hopelessly incompetent ’ .
5 Jean Harlow , alias the teenager Harlean Carpenter from Kansas City , was doing all she could to pull Hollywood out of the slump but in general the more respectable critics were more prepared at this time to hand the plaudits to the male actors , who were seen very much as the cutting edge of the new realism .
6 Simon 's own statements made at this time betray a strong representational intent : while rejecting the forms of classic realism , the novel nevertheless retained its mimetic role .
7 Minton is said at this time to have destroyed some of the erotic drawings which he had begun making after seeing those by Fuseli which Wan Ross had acquired from Ruthven Todd .
8 The 51 week interval was chosen because there were insufficient ( n<10 ) patients remaining beyond this time to allow accurate statistical analysis ( see below ) .
9 It seems relevant that anthropology be used at this time to contribute to the debate on policing , for since the 1964 Police Act and the preceding Royal Commission which was generated through concern over police practice , the organization has held an increasingly central place in the public imagination .
10 So if you have already decided to apply you are best to wait until this time to come to visit .
11 As most of the SO 2 cloud is converted to sulphate by September , the perturbations of the photochemical balance of O 3 are substantially reduced at this time compared with July ; O 3 production through cycle I now represents less than 10% of the O 3 production in the mid-stratosphere ( Fig. 2 b ) , and oxygen photolysis is reduced only by about 10% in the lower stratosphere ( Fig. 3 b ) .
12 Staff were asked at this time to complete a form indicating whether or not they wished to relocate .
13 Halling at this time had considerable hop fields from the area of the Plough to North and Upper Halling , the last of these fields to survive being in Upper Halling in the early 20th century .
14 The nastiest little attack we endured at this time came from , of all papers , the Lancet .
15 His journal kept at this time shows the influence of Tersteegen , a German mystic .
16 But the nuclear industry had by this time received yet a further green light .
17 We received a call from the hospital , which had by this time received the results of the X-rays .
18 The discriminatory policies of Poland , which had been prompted by Germany 's boycott of Polish coal in 1925 , had by this time developed into a fully-fledged trade war , and this , combined with the effects of the new port at Gdynia , the increasing Jewish population , the irritating presence of Danzig Poles and the continual clucking of the League of Nations , all helped to shift the political perceptions of the local population towards simplistic , populist , nationalist and ultimately racist solutions — namely those offered by the Nazi Party .
19 I had by this time met the latter .
20 This lot have been brought into the barn for a rest , ’ indicating with his hand the others who had by this time fallen asleep , oblivious to the noise of the guns and the explosions very close to the barn .
21 The wheezing noise of the bellows had by this time excited the interest of some sentries on a large freighter moored nearby , but Maclean shouted out that they should mind their own business .
22 The Supreme Court ruled on Dec. 13 that he should be returned to prison but Alcalde had by this time left the country .
23 That maintenance was continued so long is probably due to the fact that Gordon Thomas , its instigator , had by this time become General Manager of the Grand Junction Company , and it is understandable that he would have been reluctant to preside over the disintegration of the lift , his most original and spectacular achievement .
24 The carving had by this time become careless and clumsy .
25 The Principal had by this time become almost as fluorescent as the neon sign outside his academy , and we eyeballed one another in a spirit entirely lacking in camaraderie .
26 Canada , with which Newfoundland had by this time merged , duly requested and consented ; Australia , New Zealand and South Africa merely ‘ assented ’ .
27 A majority of the EC , in which the Georgian Menshevik I.G. Tsereteli had emerged as a leading figure , had by this time adopted ‘ revolutionary defencism ’ , accepting that until peace had been secured they must uphold the front .
28 All the Met Waafs at Bourn had by this time qualified for their ‘ props ’ , so we were two steps up from the bottom of the ladder and that 's where we stopped .
29 The industrial and commercial development of England had by this time succeeded in ‘ ruralizing ’ the countryside by reducing the economic viability of much small-scale manufacture and domestic handicraft and transferring it to the new system of factory production in the towns .
30 I had by this time spent some years in the States , including a year living in an Anglican theological college , and had watched my friends become ordained .
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