Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Encore Computer Corp , Fort Lauderdale , Florida has teamed with New Straits Times Technologies Pvt Ltd of Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia to establish Asia Pacific Encore Pvt Ltd , and looks for it to generate $55m of business over the next five years .
2 A series which is broadcast each week has a number of features designed into it to help viewers recognise " their " programme and encourage them to watch it at the same time every week .
3 It would not do for it to take place in Moran 's house and Moran would not go to a hotel .
4 The following year , encircled by 20km of high security fencing with 5,000 volts passing through it to deter animal and human predators , Anna Merz' rhino refuge was ready to receive its first incumbent , a large bull translocated from an area near the Nairobi National Park .
5 Something has to be done about it to make parents realise that these are classified as unsuitable for children because they genuinely are unsuitable for children . ’
6 The form most frequently found is the barn with lean-tos built against it to provide cow-houses , stables or cart-shed .
7 But the most obvious fact about the social world is that what happens in it has meaning for the inhabitants .
8 Bull said it still continues to be part of ACE Consortium , but only as far as desktop Intel-based systems are concerned : it refused to be drawn over the question of whether its relationship with IBM would result in it favouring OS/2 over Windows 3 , saying only that ‘ Windows is what our customers are buying today ’ .
9 In the long run , the obvious consequence of this is that the more frequently a word occurs the lower the threshold of its logogen will be , and hence the less activation of the logogen needed for it to reach threshold .
10 If that right is not set out in the expert clause the agreement of the parties ( and , probably , the agreement of the expert as well ) will be needed for it to become part of the reference .
11 I think what it is is that I feel if I go into something for the sake of going into it to earn money I shall be absolutely bored with me life .
12 You should also work into it check lists for each month with every detail you can think of , and have an arrangement for assessing the event after it has happened .
13 The EOC reports that it was apparent that the Society 's mobility requirement and a candidate 's ability to comply with it gave rise to both direct and indirect discrimination .
14 The second point is that , when ambiguity increases sharply , that is the time when people who can resolve that ambiguity by setting new organizational values to cope with it gain power .
15 I reckon she 's overly keen on coke and spends too much time in clubs , but maybe I 'm just jealous ; my cub-reporter status on the Caley and the triumph-of-miniaturisation salary that goes with it make habits that expensive out of the question .
16 The most frequently quoted definition of non-natural user is that given by the Judicial Committee in Rickards v. Lothian , ‘ It must be some special use bringing with it increased danger to others and must not merely be the ordinary use of the land or such a use as is proper for the general benefit of the community . ’
17 Affection bringing with it devoted support , brought success from a role undertaken reluctantly .
18 Its sense of smell must function for it to assess horses it has not met before , and also to fully recognise old companions it may meet in a different environment .
19 Unfortunately Mrs Buckley could n't sing a note in tune ; her throat sounded like it had gravel down it .
20 Is the hon. and learned Gentleman aware that not one Member of Parliament from the Scottish National party is present , although I am sure that , in common with everyone else in Scotland , we shall be challenged by it to hear statements about its separatist policies ?
21 However , although only a minority affected by it develop microcephaly and other conditions associated with mental handicap , it is common and attempts have been made to develop a vaccine which would prevent potential damage .
22 Held , allowing the appeal , that it was not possible , in construing the expression ‘ any person ’ in section 238 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , to identify any particular limitation which could be said to represent the presumed intention of Parliament in enacting the legislation , and the words had to be given their literal meaning , unrestricted as to persons or territory ; and that the court , therefore , had jurisdiction under section 238 to make an order against a foreigner resident abroad ; that , having regard to the unambiguous terminology of rule 12.12(1) of the Insolvency Rules 1986 , the jurisdiction deriving from it to order service out of the jurisdiction was not to be confined , by analogy , to cases falling within R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order would be set aside and the registrar 's order restored ( post , pp. 701A–D , 702E–F , 704C–D , G , H , 705B ) .
23 The singer had fought and won his battles against bulimia , drug and alcohol abuse and had publicly spoken about it to help others get over the nightmare of addiction .
24 But the national church organization , which the papacy had encouraged , brought with it lay investiture , the giving to the bishop of the ring and staff and the performance of homage to the ruler .
25 This is the most beautiful place I have ever been , a land of snow that is so fresh and clean that to ride over it seems criminal .
26 For instance , a limitation or exclusion of liability could be justified by a preamble or postscript to the clause explaining that its purpose is to limit liability so as to enable the person protected by it to obtain insurance cover , and thus keep its costs down : In order to enable the Seller to insure against its liability under this contract , the Seller 's liability in respect of any defect in the goods or any loss caused by such defect is limited to £n ; the Buyer must bear the risk of any loss in excess of £n and should insure against such loss .
27 In practice , it has been extremely rare for the Lords to use even such powers as remain to it to reject Commons Bills .
28 Ah , you got ta go past it to collect wages .
29 The pilot stayed with his aircraft and steered it away from the school and bravely died with it to save others .
30 While a member of the Ba'ath Party , Saddam manoeuvred within it to gain control , and had no qualms about his methods .
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