Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it at a " in BNC.

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1 Is that the case and , if so , what can we do about it at an early stage ?
2 Is that the case and , if so , what can we do about it at an early stage ?
3 Negative programming can be general or specific and , unless something is done about it at a later date , its effects can last a lifetime .
4 We were looking across it at a slice-shaped building , calcined with pollution .
5 She had her back to the entrance of the garden and was looking across it at a small orchard whose fruit never found its way to the rector 's table , always being pilfered by the small street arabs of the district .
6 It was confirmed on Aug. 14 that the small right-wing National Smallholders ' Party led by Imre Boross had reached agreement with the Independent Smallholders ' Party — from which it had split in December 1989 [ see p. 37739 ] — and would reunite with it at an unspecified date in the future .
7 See , see , I mean if you take a , if you take a , look at it at a point of view of
8 He told me he used to catch the train from Penn Station , New York , get off it at a station called Back Bay where a car would be waiting for him .
9 Figure 24.4 gives an example ( drawn from trajectories on the screen of a videotape of the motion ) of how one might see the bob moving if one glanced at it at a succession of equally spaced times — although one would not expect to see just this sequence ever again .
10 We are continuing to invest in it at a rate of over £1 million for every working day .
11 And that we would issue those summary sheets at a staff meeting and we would go through it at a staff meeting and that that , probably that was as much as we could do
12 Somebody thought of it at an editorial conference , and Muggins here had to ring round all these celebrities to get comments .
13 Saver Plus — the ideal combination if you are looking to make the most of your surplus cash but may need to call on it at a moment 's notice .
14 By this means a government can ensure that part of the supply of foreign exchange is surrendered to it at a low price to be used to satisfy the demands of privileged groups , including itself , while the remainder is left for more or less free disposal by the recipient enterprises , either on an official market at a more favourable rate , or on a free or ‘ black ’ market .
15 In the IR spectrum of this molecule already mentioned there is one strong absorption and a much weaker one associated with it at a slightly different frequency .
16 Yang was also writing about his native village but he wrote about it at a distance when resident in New York .
17 The accompaniment sounds very well when it is hummed , with perhaps a few words here and there while the solo part rests , or to join with it at a point of culmination .
18 He showed particular interest in that subsidence , it 's reasonable to assume that his object was to return to it at a time when there would be no one around to interfere with him .
19 Some people discover this element of themselves while still very young ; others come to it at a much later stage in their lives — and others never manage to find it at all .
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