Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Or just heard about it from your dad ? ’
2 But , er , so hopefully Michelle will get this next Tracey 's position , and obviously sort of in in the meantime and providing her position comes up they are bringing in a Telesales County Secretary , which was n't gon na come in for about a year cos they wanted to sort of like , trial it , but now they 've decided if that 's what they want the position to do erm it 'll probably happen in the next two months and they said for me to go for it from our division , so I said right , okay .
3 Templars , ghosts , curses — and now we shall answer for it with our lives ! ’
4 you 'd probably know about it before our police force do , the way villages work .
5 It is dealt with in detail here because visitors in search of out of the way spots are almost certain to pass through it on their way to Appenzell , or even to break their journey here .
6 Formerly the collection of the Greater London Council , the 5,000-piece strong holding ( give or take a few balusters ) is now the property of English Heritage , curated by Mr Treve Rosoman who has looked after it since its days with the GLC .
7 They found a wooden bench seat in a corner and squeezed into it with their drinks — Edward had a pint of bitter and Sally a Babycham in a pretty glass decorated with a dancing fawn in a blue neck-bow .
8 Why expend energy unearthing the potentially cultish properties of a technological novelty when its cultishness has been deliberately programmed into it by its sly devisers ?
9 She even hinted that he had been bullied into it by his wife .
10 To get there they had to cross the mud , and sank in it to their ankles , but below the soft surface the foreshore was hard here , and although it was a filthy journey it was n't particularly difficult .
11 Third , the motorist did NOT ( contrry to The Scotsman 's report ) spend any time looking for a parking space or walking from it to his destination .
12 Three black youths with huge , multicoloured knitted caps pulled over their dreadlocks like tea-cosies lean against the plateglass window of the shopping-precinct cafe , drumming a reggae beat on it with their finger-tips until shooed away by the manageress .
13 However , as the pope himself had been so committed to it before his election , such an outcome was unthinkable .
14 Standard English today differs from local dialects not only in permitting the expression of complex relationships in familiar written forms , but also in the astonishing wealth of vocabulary which has accrued to it through its intellectual and imperial history .
15 Both the New Criticism and Scrutiny were products of the modernist literary revolution , and drew on it for their methods and their assumptions .
16 You 're hurting , and I have added to it with my stupidity .
17 He referred to it in his mind as a temporary dramaturgical folly .
18 Fen stopped short and pulled out a folded map from his pocket and spread it out before her , stabbing at it with his finger .
19 And the curly-haired bint would not be walking across it on her way home from the pictures .
20 It would be equally fatal to talk about it to her Auntie May .
21 I went looking for it with my cousin Peter . "
22 Although I ca n't actually recall being prepared for it by my mother , it was only too obvious even to a child of seven years that something was pretty seriously wrong .
23 He says he did n't speak about it until her death . ’
24 He felt his strength powerfully , and a joy in flight far more real and powerful than the dreams and hopes had made of it in his cage at the Zoo .
25 Cable & Wireless Plc says it does not accept those claims made against it by its local partners in Digitel Telecommunications Philippines Inc ( CI No 2,171 ) and will defend against the allegations : ‘ We have received no official notification of this claim and we do not accept the validity of the allegations as we understand them from the press , and would expect to defend our position robustly , ’ it said ; Reuter reports from Manila that the local Cable & Wireless office says that it advised the company last September that it could not invest further in the country until a court case involving another local affiliate , Eastern Telecommunications Philippines Inc , was resolved — Eastern is locked in a legal battle with Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co and appealing a Supreme Court order denying it the right to operate an international gateway ; an industry source said Digitel is tapping another major local partner and British Telecommunications Plc as new shareholders in the company .
26 When Pennant visited it in 1772 there were three farmers living in it with their stock and crops and at times in the summer months as many as twelve families were known to stay in it at once and it was the headquarters of those employed in the manufacture ( if kelp .
27 I wholly agree with the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook that it would be inappropriate to oppose the Bill on Second Reading , but , like the right hon. Gentleman , I intend to look closely at what happens to it during its passage through the House .
28 He 's been sat there all day like a stuffed dummy , then he suddenly comes to life , grabs the dinner and runs off with it trailing between his legs , tripping and stumbling over it in his anxiety to have it all to himself .
29 Noreen had a small voice and relied on people listening to it for its full effect .
30 After listening to it on his headphones for a few minutes , Syrian George stopped the tape , looked Mikalis up and down and turned to Coleman .
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