Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 Midst a lot of no-balls , which helped no end , they picked their way though the furious gunfire , finding the odd boundary , encouraging each other , and finally seeing off the follow-on a ball before tea .
2 In the sleeper compartment of a train speeding through the night a youth crouches over a naked woman he has drugged with a hypodermic syringe .
3 To round off the event an informal party was held in the evening for employees and spouses who toured the factory and enjoyed a buffet and refreshments .
4 The latter had been intended for the scrap-yard a short while earlier .
5 In this respect it is worth asking whether it is a mere coincidence that neo-colonialism produces for the bureaucracy a reversion to pre-bureaucratic ( e.g. medieval ) forms of compensation for service to the state .
6 The petitioning creditor must prepare for the hearing a list of all those creditors who have given notice of their intention to appear at the hearing and hand it in at the hearing(r6.24) .
7 In the 1650s patriarch Nikon claimed for the Church an autonomy which exasperated Alexis I , the most pious and gentle of tsars .
8 Blissett was found not guilty of ‘ cynically and deliberately ’ thrusting his elbow into the face of Torquay 's John Uzzell , whose cheekbone was smashed during the match a year ago .
9 We stopped for the night a mile down the road just out of sight .
10 The purpose of doing so is to attempt to obtain for the landlord a higher rent than would be awarded by the court on an application for an interim rent under s24A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 .
11 Accordingly , it was the duty of the solicitors who were instructing counsel to make this claim and who , in correspondence , had evinced an intention to seek an order for costs against the local authority because of the supposed failure of the local authority to discharge its duty properly , to provide for the court a detailed statement of those costs ; moreover , to prepare that statement with proper care .
12 ‘ It — er — depends how — um — busy Barney is , ’ she made up as she went along , and with relief was let off the hook a little while her mother commented on how hard Barney worked , and how , if he could n't take his holiday quite as early as he 'd planned , that perhaps it might be a good idea for Cara to stay touring with her , and maybe take a plane to America from Czechoslovakia .
13 The eastern one was only partly examined , revealing towards the rear a series of pits probably dug for gravel , though no buildings were identified .
14 In Gwendolen she writes of the way a black woman like Sonia , Gwendolen 's mother , is treated , either with polite indifference or as if she is not there .
15 The aisles have moulded parapets , the walls are of flint , the north porch is partly of brick and has near the door a benatura .
16 There were drawings , too , rolled aside out of the way , and ranged along the bench a great array of tools , mallets , chisels and punches , from the coarsest to the needle-fine , all their handles polished and worn with use .
17 Given that the West Highland Way drops into the glen a few miles further down , there 's a possibility of a two-day circular route .
18 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
19 He remembers driving up the road a few years ago and accosting a stranger who was dabbling in a stream with what looked like a frying-pan .
20 I found it incomprehensible that anyone should want to reproduce Cedric , and as I gaped into the receiver a frightening vision floated before me of eight little Cedrics all with his complaint .
21 The simplest way is to freeze into the matrix a precursor that decomposes to the desired fragment when irradiated with light .
22 In addition , the purchaser should seek from the vendor a specific indemnity against bad debts but on the basis the purchaser acknowledges that it will not be able to recover twice for both breach of warranty and under the bad debt indemnity .
23 Sure enough , in the morning , a small round table holding an appetising array of titbits rose from the floor a minute or two before Susan and Michael had finished their exercise routine .
24 Unlike his father , he would remain there for the rest of his life , without resentment , becoming in the end a partner in a somewhat unenterprising firm .
25 To that end , again we will probably be stronger in that area but t to that end we formed a group of partners who were going to specifically target er that that market place er we drew from the triple A practice and tax practice and M C S. Looking at the products and the reviews to get into that first those those clients .
26 Such personalities were seen as objectifying within the personality a particular sort of social and political ideology , which was the product of determinable social processes .
27 ’ There was one regular customer awe spoken girl who was enormously fat , quite well-to-do — who used to come in the shop a couple of times each week flaunting her jewellery and expensive hairdos .
28 Why does the researcher not include in the questionnaire a question about the person 's favourite brand of cigarette ?
29 These were faithfully reported in the press a few days later so that readers knew the position of every member of the Cabinet .
30 Mr Buckley died under tons of rubble but the jury deleted from the charge an allegation that after staggering clear , Sutherland had pretended to the emergency services that there was no-one inside .
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