Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [adj] money " in BNC.

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1 They 've been through rehearsals and are ready to go for the big money .
2 They 've been through rehearsals and are ready to go for the big money .
3 Her heart cramped now as she thought of her husband 's folly in plumping for the easy money , as it had seemed , after three bad harvests — his airy promise to come home soon — his failure to return after his regiment had been disbanded in Madras and left to make its own way back round half the world .
4 Quite what the taxpayer got for the extra money is not readily apparent .
5 In any event , firms will have to comply with the Bank of England 's Grey Paper relating to the wholesale money markets if they deal in them , even if they are not in fact listed institutions , and so they may be subject to two tiers of regulation .
6 ‘ Because 15 per cent of building costs were saved at Urbanbuild by using timber frame instead of brick and block , better quality housing could be built for the same money . ’
7 FINANCIER George Soros 's £35 million donation to Bosnian aid agencies was generous but surely something should be done about the crazy money markets that allowed him to make so much money so quickly .
8 She could do with the extra money . ’
9 April , according to the clever money , is also the month when we will be going to the polls and the arrival of ‘ Vote Conservative ’ leaflets on doormats accompanied by hefty bills is clearly bad news for the Government .
10 They no longer rely on the taking of deposits to finance their lending , because they can now borrow on the wholesale money markets .
11 separate legal rules applying differently to different types of credit transaction should be replaced by a single set of rules covering equally all forms of ‘ security interest ’ ( how lenders try to secure what is owed to them , for example , by a right to repossess what is bought with the borrowed money ) .
12 In particular , surplus countries often neutralized an inflow of gold by preventing it from adding to the domestic money supply .
13 So , there was at least 1.25M raised towards the deane money .
14 So , there was at least 1.25M raised towards the deane money .
15 IF the Government stays within the European money club — the ERM — it will have to devalue whatever it says now .
16 So , in the long run , if a company borrows in the wholesale money market and leaves as little as possible on overdraft , then it can save up to 1% depending on the margin over Libor .
17 The deficit would be financed from dollars 182,300,000 borrowed abroad and dollars 240,200,000 raised on the domestic money market .
18 I realized she relied on the extra money .
19 For these countries , the scale of expansion was not affected by the dollar crisis ( although the form may have been — the ‘ automatic ’ nature of the monetary expansion generated by dollar inflows may have bred a more monetary , and less fiscal , policy mixture than would otherwise have been adopted , and thus contributed to the easy money regime ) .
20 Whatever he was doing with the extra money , he was not settling accounts with those he had defrauded .
21 Capitulation to the wage demand of the miners , it was believed , would be followed by an avalanche of wage claims from workers in other industries with the result that the pound , already precarious , would collapse on the international money market .
22 Borrowers with companies financed by the wholesale money markets are already paying rates of about 14.75 per cent .
23 His wife , more canny than she seemed , had already witnessed huge losses over a scheme to promote detachable shirt cuffs , and so far she had managed to sit on the remaining money .
24 Should I just forget about the damn money ?
25 Well we , we do n't whether we 're making a profit because we do n't know where , how our allowance related to the actual money which we were going to earn from doing the work .
26 I 'm not talking about the bloody money .
27 John Kelsey-Fry , counsel for Marsh , said his client was the first of the two men to volunteer to be interviewed about what had happened to the missing money .
28 Monetary targets have been extended with the narrow money supply target remaining at zero to 4 per cent while the broad money target range has been widened a point on either side to between 3 and 9 per cent .
29 On the other hand , in the neo-classical version of the model , which applies when full employment is reached , the price level is determined by the nominal money supply and output is assumed to be determined exogenously .
30 The 231 staff were re-employed indefinitely — at cost of £50,000 each — some doing less work for the same money .
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