Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the first day " in BNC.

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1 The price factors are calculated for the first day of the delivery month , and adjustments have to be made for accrued interest where the first day of the delivery month does not coincide with a coupon payment date .
2 Make a list of what essential food you will need for the first day in your new home and go shopping the day before you move .
3 There was the commander of the Cigognes , Captain Brocard , wounded during the first days of the fighting at Verdun , and relieved of his command the following year — because he simply could not adapt to the new conditions of air warfare the old form of single combat that had brought the Cigognes such renown in the early days .
4 Nicholson was in awe of Minnelli ; this was , after all , his first experience of a mainstream director of Minnelli 's vintage , and he began to worry after the first day when it was suggested he might get his hair cut .
5 He was what we have learned to call a WASP , and his lifetime coincided with the process , not yet quite completed , by which that caste — white Anglo-Saxon protestants of the northeast — was supplanted from the position of privilege that they had enjoyed from the first days of the Republic .
6 The image of hope which had thus arisen in Williamson 's mind was soured by the reality of his second obsession : the sheer horror of his experience on 1 July 1916 , when 60,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded on the first day of the Battle of the Somme .
7 The admission by Hammersmith and Fulham was disclosed on the first day of a case brought by Anthony Hazell , the local district auditor .
8 When the US Marine Corps ' 2 Division stormed ashore at Tarawa in November 1943 , a third of the 5,000 marines landing on the first day were casualties because the Japanese were well prepared and the tide played fateful tricks over the reefs .
9 Police urged racegoers to be on their guard after six separate incidents of forged £20 notes were reported on the first day .
10 The lesson was learned , and in subsequent years a photocall has been organized for the first day , when the Prince and Princess pose sweetly for the cameras on the understanding that thereafter the media will go home so the two can holiday in peace .
11 The accusations came during the first day of a tribunal in which Ron Thomson claims he was forced to quit his post as general manager at the trust .
12 The clerk is required to make the application available for inspection during normal office hours by members of the public from the date of lodging until the first day of the meeting at which it is to be considered ( subs .
13 Listening to the first day 's proceedings , I found myself not transported into the future so much as revisiting the past .
14 Walking into the ISDN User Show at Wembley , North London the other day , the first four stands belonged to communications magazines : cynics might see this as evidence that the technology is still at the hype and talk stage , but most exhibitors seemed pleased by the degree to which visitors ' questions had progressed past the ‘ what is ISDN anyway ’ stage to the ‘ how much does this box cost ’ phase ; some 900 visitors attended on the first day , the second seemed rather busier and at some of the conference sessions , notably British Telecommunications Plc 's ‘ where are we now ’ presentation , it was standing room only …
15 And the two things that I had noticed on the first day were still left hanging there …
16 When Liz Headleand woke on the first day of 1980 and found herself in bed with her husband , she remembered instantly the scene of the night before , and wondered how she could ever have been so upset by it .
17 ‘ Your employer ? ’ he said gently , not probing , remembering what she had said on the first day .
18 The announcement came on the first day of a planned four-day general strike called by the Confederation of Trade Unions ( CTU ) to protest at the country 's perilous economic situation [ see p. 38836 ] .
19 The allegations of drug-taking sessions came on the first day of Murray 's trial before Lord Kirkwood .
20 Stock boats came on the first day , they start coming away in May .
21 Welcome to the first day of Henley Royal Regatta on the banks of the Thames .
22 It was a most impressive performance by the 25-year-old Lahore left-hander in only his third Test appearance , all his 205 runs made on the first day before an understandable concentration lapse .
23 On 26 April 1991 the Bank of England , who have entered the action as interveners pursuant to my order made on the first day of the hearing last Tuesday , served on the defendants a notice pursuant to section 39(3) ( a ) of the Banking Act 1987 , requiring them to produce at Threadneedle Street at noon on 9 May 1991 a number of specified documents ( comprising all or some of the documents covered by the injunction ) and stated to concern or relate to the accounts or related business of seven of the plaintiffs including A , on the ground that they were reasonably required by the Bank of England for the performance of its functions under the Act .
24 The Burgage is close to Cheltenham race course and race goers heading for the first day of the Cheltenham Gold Cup meeting were diverted away from the murder house .
25 The total number of pieces of gum used in the first day should be gradually reduced over a subsequent period of ten days .
26 This is something which they manage on the first day , and then never repeat .
27 When the delegates from Western literature meet on the first day to pray for their existence , there is an attempted disruption of the ceremony by Muslim fundamentalists who claim to object to the Christian format of the proceedings , but , as we later discover , their real target is the elusive Gibreel Farishta whom they are trying to punish for his heretical views .
28 Jack shook off his dream about Death Row and remembered that all over Dublin today there would be people waking to the first day of term .
29 He also took a stick out of the packet of Edinburgh rock he had bought on the first day .
30 According to the Far Eastern Economic Review of March 22 , evidence produced at the first day of the trial " implicated Tanay and other top brass " .
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