Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the british [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instructional holidays likewise can be traced through the British Horse Society or the Association of British Riding Schools .
2 The ‘ Santa Specials ’ are the first to be arranged for the British Rail main line in the area for quite some time , and a first for the North Warwickshire Line between Hall Green and the Shakespearean town of Stratford-upon-Avon .
3 Much the same goes for the British Museum .
4 THE report , Stevie explained as Patrick drove away from the station , had come through the British Embassy in Bucharest .
5 As you can see , it is all a matter of common sense yet hundreds of windsurfers are rescued off the British coastline each year .
6 Alan Pugh is the secretary of another group of initials , BFICC , which stands for the British Facsimile Industry Consultative Committee .
7 Mark West , 26 , of St James ' Close has been appointed to work for the British Embassy , in Ankara , Turkey .
8 The decision came just eight hours before the deadline imposed by the British Olympic Association ( BOA ) for cities to be considered as the British nomination .
9 Bryan Robson , who steered England 's soccer team to the World Cup Finals , receives the OBE , Linford Christie , the Olympic silver medal winner and spearhead of the British team which won the European Cup and placed third in the World Cup , is awarded the MBE , as does Ellery Hanley , leader of the Great Britain rugby league side .
10 Disposing of the British agents had been an idea of his own , and killing Goldstein a positive pleasure .
11 He was never a favourite character of mine , as I do not approve of the British partition and subsequent desertion of India , mismanaged by Mountbatten against a horrific background of massacres .
12 Down in the control room a shift change took place an hour ago , and a different platoon is now thinly dispersed throughout the British Sector of Berlin .
13 The fact is that there is a fundamental difference in the philosophy which lies behind the British Constitution and those of her Continental partners .
14 Bengal was the first region in the Indian sub-continent to come under the British rule , and the Bengali middle class the first among the Asian intelligentsias to respond to the western presence .
15 " They do n't seem to have come from the British Army . "
16 The answer lies in the British empire ; to be precise , a transit camp at Deolali , near Bombay , where British troops went out of their minds with boredom on their way to and from the service of the Raj .
17 These are followed by documents relating to the SI in Britain which include Ralph Rumney 's Psychogeographic Map of Venice ( 1957 ) , and brief statements by Michèle Bernstein which appear in the British press in the 1950s and 1960s .
18 Duelling , one index of the survival of the values of barbarism , had been forbidden in the British Army since 1844 , but the Russian officer corps was specially exempted from the laws prohibiting it .
19 Governments in Britain in the eighteenth century did not do very much ; some of the neglect of the colonies simply paralleled what was happening in the British Isles .
20 But you were saying about er Australia and that I I think at that particular time more so than now whatever was happening in the British pop scene seemed to just happen all over the world you know .
21 Returning briefly to Dublin , she next went to Rome and Athens to do more studying before coming to work in the British Museum , and going to live in Knutsford , Cheshire , where she did her greatest work , the bust of Archbishop Alexander , Primate of All Ireland , which stands today in Armagh Cathedral .
22 It was a time of great British expansion and it is thought that , in the guise of ships ' cats , they were scattered from the British Isles all over the globe in a comparatively short space of time .
23 The men on the Committee , led by Francis Hawkins and E.G. Mandeville Roe , then resigned from the British Fascists and joined Mosley , bringing with them a copy of its membership list .
24 We used two conventional standard ORS — namely , the World Health Organisation ORS ( WHO-ORS ) and the ORS formulation recommended in the British Pharmacopoeia ( UK-ORS ) , which until recently was the most widely used ORS in the United Kingdom .
25 This was widely reported in the British press .
26 At no time had there been any hint that France should try to benefit from the British embarrassment during this critical period , though the press published sharp attacks on the British policy of reprisals after the Mutiny was over .
27 Mr Enoch Powell asked himself only weeks before the riots erupted in the British cities in 1981 .
28 But if you just take those points er an and , and think them through in your own mind about how this system of government differs say from the British system of government and the position of local government in the British system , you can see that , well we do n't really have local government do we ?
29 There are a number of books in the list here that have been discarded from the British Library , including an editio princeps .
30 It has indeed been a brilliant season for the Ward Park club , with Alex Lightbody returning from the British Isles championships in Worthing in July with the singles title under his belt .
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