Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] set [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These would have been largely overcome had a similar approach to that used in setting up the " persons " system been adopted .
2 A spokesman stressed that the government was still committed to setting up the agency ( one of the commitments in the Conservatives ' election manifesto ) , and that the necessary bill would be introduced later in 1992 or in 1993 .
3 Setting up a ‘ hearth ’ corresponds to setting up a home .
4 Henry Skelton 's college responded by setting up a drugs working party involving students .
5 One city has responded by setting up a twenty-four hour response team to help people whose lives are being ruined by noisy neighbours .
6 The Government had responded by setting up an interdepartmental committee under the chairmanship of Lord Justice James to review the distribution of criminal business between the Crown Court and the Magistrates ' courts .
7 This was solved by setting up the first stall run by the eldest most respected woman in the village .
8 In 1921 , for example , we find the police warning against setting up a ‘ continental system of domestic espionage ’ in Britain ( p. 6 ) Even SIS , which had designs on MI5 in 1945 , shied away from the latter 's counter-subversive functions , so as not to be ‘ associated with the idea of an internal Gestapo , ( p. 177 ) No wonder governments are nervous of too much openness in this area .
9 It is looking into setting up an alternative advice centre .
10 Two preliminary points need to be made before setting out the argument against secularism .
11 Some leading MEPs believe an alliance with reform-minded MPs must be struck if leaders like Mrs Thatcher are to be prevented from setting up an economic and monetary union , which is essentially uncontrolled by any democratically-elected body .
12 It may not be certain , as Ken Landon says , that Ho and Co will succeed in setting up a Communist State if they get rid of the French , but let me suggest that from the stand-point of the security of the US , it is one hell of a big chance to take .
13 When it came to setting up the Friends , I found the words ‘ realistic ’ or ‘ moderation ’ did n't have much meaning for me .
14 China has hinted at setting up a ‘ shadow government ’ for Hong Kong to undermine the colonial government 's authority before 1997 .
15 Some positively conflict by setting off a train of thought which is quite at variance with the message the audio track carries .
16 This is best done by setting aside a period each day when observation and recording are carried out — perhaps a different hour each day .
17 In news programmes , quality and range were sought by setting up a distinct company , ITN , which was jointly owned by the other companies and supplied news for the whole channel , and later for Channel 4 .
18 A journalist who hid in a jail for fifteen hours to expose its lack of security has been accused of setting up a media stunt .
19 It 's for all these reasons that Madonna has been accused of setting back the women 's movement 30 years , but she 's never claimed to be speaking for the cause .
20 The time scale involved did not allow the adoption of the methods and proven practice used in setting up the " persons " system .
21 If you are asked to discuss , say , Nordenfelt 's case , begin by setting out the facts and decision — do not start in the Middle Ages .
22 Worknet , where the Action Team provided funding for setting up the Community Employment Agency in Andersonstown ;
23 The municipal authorities of Barcelona , who over the past few years have acquired a great deal of experience and expertise in founding and running cultural centres , have recently signed an agreement with the Fundación Salvador Allende to collaborate in setting up a museum in Santiago , Chile , to be called the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende .
24 Agreement was reached on setting up a joint commission of experts to deal with minority questions and on working towards guaranteeing minority rights .
25 The agreement became possible when Spain lifted its veto after agreement had been reached on setting up a fund to help the Community 's poorer members to pay for environmental protection measures .
26 Many felt they would benefit from the assistance of trained cancer counsellors , so work began on setting up the course .
27 Coastguards have slammed youths who sparked a rescue alert by setting off a red flare yesterday between Cullercoats and Tynemouth .
28 Both InsP 3 and DAG have been implicated in setting up the dorso-ventral axis in Xenopus embryos .
29 Tam 's article consists of setting up a false target and then knocking it down .
30 Advice and guidance is provided in setting up the business and thereafter should any problems arise .
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