Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] that time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anybody who lived through that time in Oswaldston will have a lot of memories of it-some of them bitter , some of them funny .
2 I have a memory , half forgotten from that time of youth and magic , that knows of a secret garden .
3 The Romans were certainly prime movers , but not that quick , and without introducing a pettifogging intimacy with dates , names , and trifling matters of fact , might it be mentioned that the legions were desperately occupied at that time around the Medway and not Melrose ?
4 and the head or whoever it is is committed at that time to be taking the rest of the year so they can profile .
5 I filled a syringe with a " mixed macterin " which we used at that time against the secondary invaders of distemper .
6 Any given rise in unemployment in the winter months , therefore , can only be shown to be significant if it can be demonstrated that the rise is over and above that which is normally expected at that time of year .
7 Speedy success was essential , since records gathered over the previous 80 years showed that at best only three weeks of rain-free weather could be expected at that time of the year .
8 Of course , we had to walk to work at that time o' day .
9 A great deal of work was done at that time in enlarging and landscaping the park , creating lakes and the kitchen gardens .
10 I must have said something about being in reasonably , good health despite a rather dismal daily round of commuting to Charing Cross and a crawl by bus up the King 's Road to the appropriately named World 's End pub , but that I was more tormented at that time with a clash of affections with two young ladies .
11 While we have more or less maintained our overall membership figure , and that in a deep recession , we have fallen far short of the targets set in March 1992 , which were felt at that time to be reasonable and achievable .
12 While we have more or less maintained our overall membership figure , and that in a deep recession , we have fallen far short of the targets set in March 1992 , which were felt at that time to be reasonable and achievable .
13 We knew that the radio news was not transmitted at that time of day , so we decided it was just another of his silly jokes .
14 People have told me the lemon was to mask the taste of the uneven products made at that time by unscientific country brewers ; I do not believe that .
15 The efforts made at that time by Sartre , Camus , Merleau-Ponty et alia to rehabilitate Nizan achieved no more than to illustrate the impossibility of reasoned dialogue with the French communist party at moments of extreme ideological polarisation .
16 The concept of " open skies " was first proposed by President Eisenhower in 1955 , but rejected at that time by the Soviet Union .
17 None had been seen at that time in the Harwell experiments that preceded ZETA but Kurchatov announced that the Soviets were seeing some neutrons which were due to fusion occurring , but were unlikely to be from thermonuclear fusion because the rate of their production did not vary with current in the expected way .
18 Makassar , still barely visited at that time by foreigners , was an eye-opener .
19 Elisha was the man that God had equipped for that time in history , in that land , and for the specific needs of individual people around him .
20 I remember the books which I read in that time with a great love .
21 During the first thirty-six years of the century the pope had taxed the English church to the tune of almost £450,000 , of which some £360,000 was earmarked for the king , a sum more than three times the amount produced in that time by direct royal taxation of the clergy .
22 I happened at that time to be a Council member , and I was therefore able to point out that Bondi 's listing of observational errors were all taken from well-attested literature .
23 This lady informed me that she and her friend had consulted a man who claimed at that time to be the leading expert in the United States in the psychic determination of past lives .
24 It had not been as he had dreamed at that time with the beloved of his youth : fame and glory , honour and victory .
25 Parsley is hardy and can be sown outdoors in March , but takes several weeks to germinate if sown at that time in cool temperate regions , hence , it has earnt itself the reputation of needing " to go to the Devil seven times and back " before it will sprout .
26 It 's getting towards that time of year when you want to make plenty of garments and the faster the better .
27 It is true that elephants existed at that time in the extreme south of China , but the fact that Fu Hao 's cup was studded with turquoise points to India as a possible source .
28 He regretted that his proposal for a peace conference a year ago had not been acted upon , as he was confident the Soviet Union would have participated at that time with beneficial effects for the whole world .
29 Having lost their captain , Zbigniew Boniek , arguably the greatest of Polish footballers , to Juventus , Widzew saw Dziekanowski as a replacement and so , at 21 , ‘ Jacki ’ was transferred in 1984 for 21m zlotys , a record between Polish clubs , amounting at that time to some £200,000 .
30 We should remember that very little was known at that time about the ways in which the ovaries influence distant organs .
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