Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] she at the " in BNC.

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1 She paused , surprised by the wave of pain and nostalgia that passed through her at the mention of the name , leaving her weak and trembling ; as if the sights , sounds , smells , tastes , feelings , sufferings of years could be experienced again in a single spasm of sickening intensity : the cold cubicle , the rustle of habits and the squeaking of boots as the nuns filed into the chapel , the stink of stew in the refectory ; her first lesson , the children shaking their up-stretched hands , eager to please the new sister ; Hilda , dew-fresh in her white blouse and neatly-pressed gym-slip , shy and ardent in the back row ; Hilda and herself together in the copse , in the chapel , in the cloisters , praying , talking , joking , sharing secrets , confidences …
2 I told Isobel we 'd wait for her at the Café de la Paix … ‘
3 She closed her eyes as the memory rushed back vividly into her mind again , and a feeling of panic rose through her at the thought that a fierce spark of that madness might be living on within her as she approached the middle of her life .
4 Losing two front teeth , even two false front teeth , at the age of fifty , even if only for a week , had distressed him : he had sat opposite her at the breakfast table with a napkin over his mouth , and she knew that it had taken some courage to go to the board meeting at all .
5 Unexpected excitement flickered inside her at the thought .
6 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
7 And naturally his only means of getting in touch would be to write to her at the one address he knew : Elise 's cottage .
8 Slowly , he put down the silver pen he had been toying with and stood up , walking to her at the windows .
9 He proposed to her at the offices of Faber and Faber ; after she had accepted , he explained that he would have asked her much sooner if he had known her real feelings towards him , but she had been so formal with him that he was not even sure if she liked him — which , after eight years , suggests an odd insecurity or impercipience .
10 A sharp pang shot through her at the thought of Dana travelling alone with Roman .
11 She turned , looking about her at the stables .
12 Tallis said , amazed , looking about her at the dark , snow-striped land .
13 Obviously she is very upset being left alone in a strange country and we are looking after her at the police station .
14 She stared at the book-filled wall above the desk , then turned back , seeing how he was looking past her at the same spot .
15 ‘ What do you want ? ’ he demanded , looking past her at the paladin , who was brandishing his sword .
16 Arrested with Mrs Dyer was her son-in-law , a Mr Arthur Palmer , who happened to be living with her at the time .
17 And Sheffield Crown Court has heard how a man allegedly kidnapped and raped his wife ; the man who ca n't be named for legal reasons , was separated from her at the time of the supposed attack , and the case is making legal history .
18 Something twisted inside her at the naked emotion that flashed for a moment across his face .
19 Looking round her at the cushions , Ellie spotted one with a Regency man and woman on it .
20 A framed certificate was presented to her at the Good Companions ' meeting last week by chairman Janet Gill .
21 the prize of £1000 and a silver cup was presented to her at the college by Chief Executive , Best Western Hotels .
22 She also asked for those who were unable to attend the AGM to be thanked for the lovely watch presented to her at the end of her term as Chairman .
23 Two letter of thanks were then read — the first from Edith Harlow thanking all the teachers for the lovely handbag , matching gloves and cheque which were presented to her at the Essex Rally together with a jewel box , cheque , flowers and an iced cake all given by Essex teachers and class members .
24 No matter what they had said to her at the hospital , it had been her fault she had died .
25 In other words , according to this view , Germany along with all the other nations stumbled into war in nineteen fourteen , was then declared , simply because she was the defeated party , declared to be the guilty party , erm had punitive terms imposed on her at the Treaty of Versailles , and as a result of this moved towards extremism in internal politics , with the erm consequence that the Democratic Republic of Weimar collapsed , erm Hitler came to power , and Hitler was some kind of evil person , a Satanic messenger from Hell , who first of all visited his atrocities on , on the Germans before doing the same to Europe as a whole .
26 She longed , oh , she burned to be able to tell him the truth , but Ace 's threats held ; also by the way Mike was looking at her at the moment he probably would n't believe her if she told him the truth about their relationship .
27 Now write as much as you can about Auntie the sort of person she was , what members of her family thought of her , what her niece realises about her at the end .
28 He kissed her lingeringly as if he had all the time in the world and she felt a shudder run through her at the response he was forcing from her with so little effort .
29 Jonadab was waiting for her at the stair bottom .
30 Uncle Alfred was waiting for her at the entrance to the nest when she arrived .
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