Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a [adj] area " in BNC.

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1 This has the potential to be developed as a revenue-producing area .
2 If Grimbergen is closed , and developed as a residential area , or even worse , if factories are built there , the loss of a convenient airfield to attract business and executive aircraft will be far reaching to the ‘ hub of Europe ’ , ie Brussels .
3 This comic expansiveness even leads Robbins to insert a chapter ( 111a ) which he then renders as a no-go area , having first defined poetry as an ‘ intensification or illumination of common objects and everyday events ’ :
4 IN AN UNPRECEDENTED move RAF Hullavington , Wilts , has been designated as a conservation area under Section 69 of the Planning ( Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas ) Act 1990 .
5 It will also provide a new wheelchair ramp , porch and entrance area and allow an existing room to be designated as a quiet area .
6 If you have to go through a smoke-filled area , crawl with your head low
7 Choppy 's comments about schools in urban areas is quite interesting , because the first one was actually in Lincolnshire , which in no terms could be regarded as an urban area , and quickly looking down the list — and there are actually about sixty throughout the country — an awful lot of them have been in rural heartlands like Oxfordshire .
8 One might call this ‘ applied phonology ’ ; however , the phonological analysis of different languages raises a great number of difficult and interesting theoretical problems , and for a long time the study of phonology ‘ for its own sake ’ has been regarded as an important area of theoretical linguistics .
9 ‘ Unemployment is rising faster in Darlington than in many development areas , ’ he said , ‘ It is absurd Darlington should be treated as a second-class area when its unemployment is rising faster . ’
10 Mr Patrick O'Hara , spokesperson for the Ecological Study Group , claimed that the marsh land , which he described as an important area for wildlife containing 31 species of waders and wildfowl including some rare species , was zoned for industry in the council 's draft development plan .
11 Brig Cumming said a key element of the plan was to ‘ picket the people ’ in other words to set up communications lines so that all levels of the factions from top commanders down to local warlords and the actual troops manning barricades were aware of the nature of the convoys and when they were planned to pass through a specific area .
12 Thus laden , I rode the 20 miles to Picton and caught the ferry ; stayed overnight in Wellington and then took the train to Auckland — no problems in putting the bike aboard ; and this journey lived up to expectations and surpassed them ; the scenery through the ‘ King Country ’ in autumn is quite unrivalled , and again looks like a superb area for a cycle tour .
13 An open fire needs an air entry opening with a free area of at least 50% of the fire 's throat area , while rooms container other solid fuel or oil-burning appliances must have openings totalling 550sq mm per kilowatt of rated output above the first 5kW .
14 Because it is so easy for women to slip into a shared area with each other , they may at times have a fear of doing so , in case they lose their individuality .
15 New prisons are likely to be made up of self-contained units holding 50–100 prisoners , with cells opening into a central area for staff observation .
16 Several disposable types are available from pet shops , and are essential for dog owners where it is compulsory to clean up after their pets if they are walking in a public area .
17 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
18 The latter is one of the characteristic features at Water Newton , where the most complicated street system known in this category lies within a walled area enclosing 18 ha ( 44 acres ) ; it should not be forgotten , though , that extensive ribbon developments also existed to north and south along Ermine Street ( see figs. 18 and 20 ) .
19 Although All Saints is not a listed building , it lies within a conservation area so that any proposal to demolish it would have been subject to same scrutiny as plans for the demolition of a listed building .
20 It is not easy to identify , because it lies in a rich area and there are no convenient guides to it .
21 Sometimes a contractual term lies in a grey area between the two .
22 The last example lies in a difficult area and is tied up with questions relating to be the law of confidence and restraint of trade .
23 A sample weighing about 30 mg is drilled from an inconspicuous area of the object , usually the base .
24 One good reason for studying with a massage school is that you will be taught anatomy and physiology as well as useful techniques for alleviating pain , dealing with injuries , understanding why pain may be occurring in a particular area and even more importantly , when to leave well alone .
25 Those on the western side of the continent travel down to California , while the eastern population of roughly 100 million butterflies overwinters in a small area of central Mexico .
26 If you have a new or existing business located in a rural area and employ fewer than 20 people , you may be eligible to benefit from a Rural Businessloan .
27 Located in a metropolitan area of 300,000 , it combines the advantages of a major city with the best personal qualities of a small town .
28 Located in a conservation area within the Peak National Park , the charming village of Holme is home to a traditional Pennine community of hill farms and stone-built weavers ' cottages .
29 Church ‘ B' is located in an urban area of mixed housing , some of which is a pre-war estate owned by the local council and the remainder older semi-detached houses constructed between 1900 and 1920 .
30 They hope to attract from a wide area .
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