Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 Students who do well in the three years of the MA(General) may choose to proceed for a further year to obtain the MA ( General Honours ) .
2 The game against the Belgians affords Rangers the opportunity to go through a complete year without losing at home in any competition .
3 Middlesbrough Council is hoping at qualify for a further year 's Government grant to finance champion coaching sessions for young sportspeople .
4 Thus , while the stucco was engraved at the château of Monte Cristo , the Bey 's mausoleum was delayed for an entire year .
5 Keith Atkinson 's case against a health authority was dismissed after a six year legal battle .
6 If the haemoglobin remains normal after a year it should then be checked after a further year or sooner if the patient becomes symptomatic .
7 Although the Guaranteed Capital Bond is designed for a five year term , early encashment is allowed before the end of the fixed term .
8 What the hell does one buy for a two year old ?
9 Hence those who take a floating charge from a company which can not be proved to be solvent , and which does not survive for a further year , can not thereby obtain protection in respect to their existing debts , but only to the extent that they provide the company with new value and thus increase the assets available for other creditors .
10 There are 2 local lads this year ; Edward Haddon from Charlbury started rowing as a 9 year old at school in Oxford then the boat race was just a dream .
11 The Institute itself has recently reopened after a five year refurbishment which included the installation of a new metal and glass roof and the conversion of the former tapestry gallery into one suitable for displaying pictures .
12 Singapore 's Raffles Hotel reopened after a three year face-lift costing £55 million .
13 I wish I knew more about wine , but it looks like a good year . "
14 ‘ It looks like an open year .
15 My head is banging like a twenty year old car engine . ’
16 In ordinary cases the notice must be a six months ’ notice , ending with a completed year , but in the case of agricultural tenancies the Agricultural Holdings Act 1923 requires a full year 's notice .
17 Now we did go through dramatic exercises in the nineteen sixties , erm where we entered into a three year agreement er on wages settlement at national level .
18 This was the harvest that could be reasonably be expected in an average year .
19 Intraperitoneal ivalon mimicking peitoneal malignancy after plugged percutaneous liver biopsy is reported in a 20 year old woman with a history of nausea and abdominal disterision .
20 Under the more inefficient system of the late nineteenth century , it was not unusual for over 2,000 cases to be reported in a single year .
21 The efficacy of the alcohol project and the non-punitive paradigm is demonstrated by the results reported from a three year evaluation study covering 152 offenders .
22 A fatal submassive necrosis that occurred in a 68 year old lady who had received piroxicam for 15 months is described .
23 The second failkure occurred in a 77 year old man who presented with severe secretary diarrhoea ( 15 motions per day ) , hypokalaemia , hyponatraemia , and prerenal failure .
24 The British Museum 's show was originally scheduled to coincide with the publication of its new catalogue of the drawings of Rembrandt and his School , due to appear in a few year 's time .
25 In 1973 Tarasia and Mishra reported on a 10 year old boy who caught a fish in a pond and attempted to kill it by biting ; unfortunately the fish slipped inside his mouth .
26 As effective economic policy can hardly be judged in less than a three year period , and political affiliation is also a long-term question , it seems entirely reasonable that aid should be committed over a three year period .
27 The Chairman , Mr A. T. Woods , reported on a successful year with 115 members and the conference at Oxford .
28 Their project was preceded by a two year pilot study , also funded by Northern Regional Health Authority , from 1987 to 1989 .
29 The ban on commercial whaling has been upheld for a further year — prompting threats from Iceland and Norway to leave the International Whaling Commission .
30 Some of the stimulus for this came from a survey of senior medical students , yet when 30 current house officers were consulted all but two said that , though they would be happy to have the opportunity to apply for both jobs at one hospital , they would not have applied for a one year block contract that restricted them to one hospital .
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