Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the other way " in BNC.

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1 If the spin is " up " the electron goes off one way , if it is " down " the electron goes off the other way , as in the figure .
2 Of course I 'm sorry , for some strange reason I thought we were going that way , I 've got to go through the other way have n't I ?
3 Looked at the other way this means that at least 30 per cent of Englishmen in the mid seventeenth century were able to read and to sign their name .
4 When I came on stage , the piano had been turned round the other way .
5 From our point of view , what matters is that each of these five ‘ functions ’ of clay minerals can be twisted round the other way .
6 Came round the other way from Decimus Street . ’
7 Most people are rushing off the other way .
8 Well when was there that fortnight and it seemed ever so strange when we car with the driver sitting that side and all the traffic coming by the other way , it seemed mad to me cos of just those few weeks , I did n't get time to get
9 We have to control for the other ways in which they might vary .
10 And when this is going , turn round the other way .
11 turn round the other way she said and ran straight back this way
12 Indeed , there are important instances when the ‘ followers ’ stimulate the leader , as opposed to the other way around .
13 Nevertheless , looked at the other way round these figures show that most older men and women enjoy reasonable if not perfect health .
14 But , let me say by way of rejoinder , there is no necessary reason why things should not come about the other way round — with the personality regression preceding the growth in power of the state — and that even if this is a functional , rather than causal , relationship , it is nevertheless a significant one .
15 You tend to think oh so many things do n't dissolve in water but think of the other ways round .
16 They 'd come from the other way from er Snade Lane not Broad Lane , they 'd come up from they 'd come farther round , round and come in th in round the back sort of thing and we we 'd got no headquarters any more .
17 John lies folded over the other way .
18 They come from the other way
19 In that different situation , to speak in the other way , using the contrapositive , it would not have been true that if the wipers started to work , the switch was flipped .
20 Stan , can I just turn round the other way what you were talking about there ?
21 Then there 's another neck that comes across the other way and you can tune the strings any way you want ; I basically tune to groups of diatonic notes with whatever melody I want to play .
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