Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 14.7.2 Distinguish the tort of negligence
2 Distinguish the benefits of matching and randomization in designed experiments .
3 The closer the number of times we felt cold came to equalling the number of times we felt warm , the more inclined we would be to think of the words ‘ warm ’ and ‘ cold ’ as applying to the sensation only indirectly .
4 Otherwise it is n-ary , with the value of ‘ n ’ equalling the number of entities .
5 A massive 1000 t steel rotor with 10 m long arms could be spun so that the tips moved at 1000 m s -1 , equalling the speed of sound in steel .
6 Was he planning to restage the battle of Lepanto ?
7 The resulting poverty of the peasantry , who must find work in two different sectors to survive , limits their spending power and therefore discourages the purchase of consumer goods .
8 Any law which directly or indirectly discourages the publication of views from within the criminal justice system must be viewed with suspicion .
9 The Exchange discourages the use of equity shares with no or restricted voting rights , so this can not normally be used as a device to retain control amongst a few shareholders with voting rights .
10 They influence the education of children in enormously important ways , not just in terms of how many exams they pass , what results they get at O level or C S E , but on important issues such as education for democracy , the kind of climate that schools create for young people is very important in the way they see society and they see their role in it .
11 However , the free flow of funds between national and international money markets ensures that key domestic interest rates influence the cost of funds .
12 What factors influence the type of crater and associated features formed by an impact ?
13 We possess no worked example to illustrate how genes control behaviour ; all we can say is that , in abstract terms , proteins influence the development of neurons , and that genes must by this means influence the development of the nervous system .
14 But the identity which a region gives — through collective institutions such as its legal , educational and political systems — can not be provided by individuals alone , through the meanings which they attribute to their lifeworlds : ‘ In this respect the regions contain an explicit collective dimension which has relative independence , being continually reproduced by institutionally embedded power relations that influence the socialization of individuals ’ ( p. 139 ) .
15 There are in staffrooms ( as there are in every institution ) tacit rules that define what is collectively thought of as normal , acceptable , odd or inept and which therefore influence the kind of reputation and influence an individual has .
16 Others influence the kind of jobs we can get , how much we 'll be paid , how we behave in public ( and even in private ) and how we spend our time and money .
17 The project also aims to evaluate the policies which influence the management of nature conservation resources and to identify how policies can be developed to increase the economic role of wildlife without detriment to the wider aims of nature conservation .
18 This is not to say , however , that various arguments will not be among the important factors that influence the decisions of scientists .
19 Hormones of the adrenal cortex influence the behaviour of lymphocytes , the white blood cells involved in the development of immunity : the adrenal hormones , and synthetic related substances have been found useful in the control of those leukaemias which are , in effect , tumours of lymphocytes .
20 Age , employment and social status all influence the possession of driving licences .
21 To what extent does low status influence the work of women teachers ?
22 Widely interpreted , competition policy embraces a great variety of methods by which governments influence the operations of buyers and sellers on all forms of markets .
23 The first is that of Hales et al , who suggested that nutritional factors determining fetal and infant growth influence the size of vascularity of the adult pancreatic β cells .
24 A country like Romania could ‘ considerably influence the course of events ’ .
25 Inadequate capital resources , insufficient euro-currency intermediation profits or worries over loan exposures influence the willingness of banks to accept and lend funds .
26 As Table 8.2 shows , there are many silvicultural techniques that can improve productivity ; all influence the structure of forests and are thus agents of environmental change .
27 Implementation of the proposed EC Directive on personal data protection , as it currently stands , will not only further complicate an already extremely complicated situation in Europe , but could also inhibit the transaction of international business and adversely influence the choice of location for business operations .
28 Many factors influence the choice of control method some of which are :
29 The raw material of events is processed ( selected , edited , dramatised , presented ) by the professionals who run the media ; ultimately it is their values which influence the version of events the public receives ( Edwards , 1979 ) .
30 It provides them with the chance to be ‘ centre stage ’ and thus profoundly influence the delivery of care to mentally disordered people , and voluntary organizations have the additional advantage that they need only expand at their own pace , developing those areas which they know have the greatest need .
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