Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [n mass] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps some of the cooks who fought as infantry at Maleme , Crete , could drop us a line .
2 Culture supernatants , cleared of cell debris by centrifugation at 5000RPM for 15min , were added in triplicate to coated wells and incubated for 2hrs at RT .
3 Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were treated for 15min at 37°C in the presence ( + ) or absence ( - ) of 5μM forskolin with serum-free medium ( DMEM ) , partially purified bovine pituitary GGF I , II and III ( native GGF ) , or with unconcentrated ( 1x ) or 30-fold concentrated ( 30x ) conditioned medium ( 20μl added to 200μl culture medium ) obtained after transient expression ( or mock-transfection ) of GGFHBS5 .
4 The level of this profile , for a woman , is set to pass through £6000 at age 24 .
5 ‘ Reviews of progress ’ are a special form of research bibliography which commonly appear in series at intervals of one or more years , and which distil the literature of that period .
6 DIOCESAN accounts show that investments have dropped from £4,327,000 at March 31 , 1989 , to £1,851,000 at March 31st this year .
7 Another source of ambiguity is that task analysis is often used as a generic term covering any study and description relating to people at work .
8 Other donations for the fund , included £451 from Sally Elliott , of Bungay , from a sponsored swim and £265 from a five-a-side soccer tournament organised by staff at Macdonald 's Restaurant of Lowestoft .
9 Other winners of the award , sponsored by Reckitt and Colman , included Cherrill Hicks , a freelance journalist who works on The Independent 's health page , for her book Who Cares ; Looking After People at Home .
10 We will invest in people at work
11 SUM TOTALS : The Mirror 's Jan finds that the six items , right , came to £7.76p at Sainsbury 's and Tesco 's , but only £6.83p at Food Giant — a saving of 93p on these few items
12 Cameras are often placed behind staff at cash tills , particularly in bars .
13 The first one is to have your eyelashed tinted professionally at a beauty salon — this costs between £6.00-–9.00 at Glemby , takes just 15 minutes and will last up to six weeks .
14 They were used as infantry at Gallipoli , where they landed at Suvla Bay on 20/21 August 1915 , serving with distinction where they took Chocolate Hill and Scimitar Hill with the bayonet ; by 1 November 1915 , they had been reduced to sixty .
15 Sixty-six letters were sold for £26,450 at Sotheby 's in London yesterday .
16 Sold for £110,000 at Phillips in 1991 with an attribution to the workshop of Ugolino di Nerio and an estimate of less than £20,000 , Gentile da Fabriano 's ‘ Crucifixion ’ is now on sale at Agnew 's .
17 A George Gillespie oil painting , Coastal Scene , sold for £525 at Andersons and a similar price was paid for a three-piece Victorian suite .
18 An album of 58 drawings by the Swiss-born artist Henry Fuseli , bought by a London couple 15 years ago , sold for £748,440 at Christie 's yesterday .
19 In 1968 Bentley car formerly owned by Sir George ‘ Gubby ’ Allen and sold for £8000 at auction recently , gave new owner Jacob Rees-Mogg ( son of former Times Editor Lord Rees-Mogg ) a shock when the brakes failed while he was driving along the M4 motorway recently .
20 George Wakes , 52 , from Birmingham , has been charged with fraud and illegal possession of 20 tons of smoked salmon valued at £250,000 at Gerona on the Costa Brava .
21 In rats treated with bFGF at doses of 3–300 µg/kg per day , there was a dose dependent decrease in the ulcer area ( compared with vehicle control ) .
22 In the 5–9 year age group , 15% of injuries happened in school and 24% out of doors ( compared with 23% at home ) ; and for 10–15 year-olds , 29% occurred in school and 26% out of doors ( compared with 11% at home ) .
23 In the 5–9 year age group , 15% of injuries happened in school and 24% out of doors ( compared with 23% at home ) ; and for 10–15 year-olds , 29% occurred in school and 26% out of doors ( compared with 11% at home ) .
24 And of course Frankfurt was the natural time and setting to confirm the details , ( already divulged in this column some months ago ) , that the singles week top tier tournaments in 1993 onwards , will offer a minimum $1.7m prize money , compared with $1m at present .
25 Yesterday Mr Milburn 's office produced the Hansard written answer to Ms Armstrong , which puts the total for all under fives in England in pre-school education at 48pc compared to 25pc at nursery school or in primary nursery classes .
26 US aid commitments to Zimbabwe began at $24m at Independence in 1980 , rose to $84m in 1982 , fell to $59m in 1984 and were set to fall well below $20m in early 1986 prior to a decision in September 1986 to cancel all future aid programmes …
27 MORE than 200 children are believed to have been abused by staff at council homes in a 20-year catalogue of sexual assaults , beatings and humiliating punishment regimes .
28 Symbolics Inc has reported a third quarter net loss of $1.1m , up from a loss last time of $389,000 on turnover that declined by 38% at $3.2m .
29 We could find no reference to caution in people at risk of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency .
30 I think it would affect their marriages , their inter-personal relationships , their co-habitations , the way that they deal with people at work , their sense of who they are in the world and how far they can go in the world , and I think that 's what makes the problem so serious because it has very , very long-reaching effects .
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