Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] by this " in BNC.

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1 But serious allegations had already been made against him by this date .
2 I was almost up the stairs level with her by this time .
3 His special preserve was Cwm Idwal , and to be shown round that magnificent place , to have its intimacies and grand structure both explained and revealed to you by this gentle , wise old quarryman was one of life 's great pleasures , to be stored and cherished in memory .
4 As this substance has properties akin to those of ferments I have called it a ‘ Lysozyme ’ , and shall refer to it by this name throughout the communication .
5 Moreover , recent surveys have suggested that not so many members of these societies are ‘ literate ’ by the standards expected than had previously been assumed : in the UK it is now held that over one million people have an acquaintance with literacy that is insufficient for the demands made on them by this kind of society ( DES , 1980 ) .
6 Richard Baxter was deeply shocked by this tragedy and also by the general prejudice aroused against him by this incident .
7 They 're just duplicates deposited with us by this American chappie — ’
8 ‘ The Bank of England ( in this Act referred to as ‘ the Bank ’ ) shall have the powers conferred on it by this Act and the duty generally to supervise the institutions authorised by it in the exercise of those powers .
9 Sir Keith gave them a very warm welcome , allowed the meeting to be televised and expressed appreciation of the case put to him by this unusual delegation which he engaged in talk , interpreted into English and BSL respectively , for almost an hour .
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