Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] by an " in BNC.

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1 Erm it is a social gathering and whether people get er , er get rooked er , they get done or whether they get a bargain or whatever happens , they , they seem to enjoy it , but nevertheless it 's done according to whether you want to make money , the person owning the land wants to make a bit of money , there are a number of entrepeneurs who actually arrange and the middleman who actually goes round booking up the sites and so when you 're talking about charity a charity will get it organised for you by an entre , entrepeneur and then there 's the er the er the traders themselves , some of whom may be purely independent , some the , some may be obviously dealing with that ta erm that kind of aspect which is not exactly possibly legal .
2 Always you are separated from it by an expanse of one thing or another : docks or roads .
3 Clara 's one solace had been the cold , tight dignity of her case , and this had been stolen from her , robbed from her by an elderly woman 's few words of casual humanity .
4 But in the last twelve months the fury of the entire national had been aroused against him by an aged , exiled cleric for whom he had only contempt .
5 There is , he says , an old Lappish church near its eastern edge ; he has never seen it but he has been told of it by an old Lapp who lives near the lakes western edge .
6 One of many legends on the closeness of human and chimpanzee has been told to us by an old man in the village of Daobli , near our study site in Taï national park .
7 It will probably have been sold to you by an insurance broker or insurance company salesman and , at time of buying , you will have had a choice of four different types of investment policy : with profits , unit linked , deposit administration and non-profit policy .
8 And though , of the two , the first is no longer available to support the judgment , the second — whether the Socialism perceived is dogmatic or diffident , Marxist or empirical — is operative still to provide , for better or for worse , assumptions about the form of industrial democracy and about the roles , contrasted or opposed , to be played in it by an industrial co-operative sector and the trade unions .
9 It may be that in various painful and other unpleasant conditions animals deal with them by an increased usage of endogenous opioids .
10 Thus it was that , as I was wheeled perspiring into the editor 's office , that the first words ever spoken to me by an NME bigwig will remain with me for the rest of my life .
11 But Kerrigan has a keyed-up , visionary quality which , though it does not overlook these drawbacks , manages to see beyond them by an act of moral imagination to the purposed end .
12 This was a tip given to him by an extremely well-known Test player .
13 Above you will find a sample itinerary , prepared to a brief given to us by an imaginary customer .
14 The hope seems to be that nurses will be better prepared and better enthused to address the nursing needs of society without the shackles placed on them by an outmoded system of training .
15 The sellers owned 200,000 gallons of white spirit stored for them by an independent person , X , in his tanks .
16 The spark of poetry was kindled in him by an elderly woman who lived with the family and was full of tales of witches and warlocks .
17 I had one repaired for Susannah , it had been left to her by an aunt and she had managed to smash it against a post or something and broke the shank and knocked out one of the erm , stones , so on and so forth , and eh , together with some repairs on a charm bracelet I had to pay thirty seven pounds for the whole jolly lot .
18 Under The National Investment Programme for Schools and Colleges , each school has to invest an imaginary £10,000 — left to them by an ex-pupil .
19 The England vice-captain afterwards jokingly wore a bandage around his head as England treated the latest missile thrown at them by an Indian crowd as an isolated incident .
20 A Christmas card sent to him by an AI member in Switzerland had been returned marked ‘ Consigned is free ’ .
21 Later a sketch of a reusable coffin was sent to me by an interested correspondent .
22 I had , by this time , had a design for a coffin in veneered or melamine-coated chipboard sent to me by an interested listener .
23 The only role created on him by an experienced choreographer was that of a Negro pugilist in Andrée Howard 's Mardi Gras , and that ballet , although striking in its strange , suggestive drama , was such an idiosyncratic , atmospheric piece that he was unlikely to learn much from it about form or structure .
24 In a very different sense London Docklands was an invented place , a series of disparate communities which were united by the imperatives of a specific form of development chosen for them by an imposed Urban Development Corporation ( chapter 2 ) .
25 It was described to us by an experienced wildlife film-maker , Alastair MacEwen , who was filming house martins with a high speed camera .
26 It was suggested to me by an Italian recipe for a sauce or relish called sapore de morone which appears in Epulario , first published in Venice in 1516 .
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