Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under the heading , ’ Other Benefits ’ — uncosted — it said : ’ The further benefits from Nurse Prescribing are the benefits to patients of faster access to some prescription items and the benefits they will derive from additional items prescribed for them by District Nurses and Health Visitors . ’
2 Integrated Device Technology Inc says Orion , the low-power Mips Technologies Inc R4000 VRX derivative developed for it by Quantum Effect Design Inc ( UX No 409 ) , will be taped out by the middle of next year , with samples due twelve months from now .
3 For these people going into debt is not a way to finance newer extravagences but the only way to maintain a lifestyle they have been brought up to accept as theirs by right .
4 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
5 Susan Goldin-Meadow 's subjects were unacquainted deaf children ; but they had normal parents who did not try to communicate with them by gesture , or at least not in sequences as the children did :
6 And , though the cats have not been polled on this point , I suspect they would share human mistrust of the new and unknown when approached with it by advertising researchers .
7 And increasingly , vegetation is influenced by human history — what we decided to plant , or have carried with us by accident .
8 Your poems were torn from me by violence ;
9 Hence partners must inform the other partners of all personal profits which have accrued to them by virtue of their being partners .
10 Rather more interesting , however , to Julia than either Ian 's or Canon Wheeler 's vision for the Church was the very puzzling question of why , when he invariably summoned his subordinates to come to him by phone , Wheeler had today put himself to the trouble of walking up a back staircase to the servants ' quarters ?
11 Her punishment for wanting that English Protestant , my father , who proposed to her by telegram .
12 An important working library on South-East Asia and much modern French literature has come to us by bequest of M. Jacques Dauphin , father of our former Lady Carlisle Research Fellow , Dr. Claudine Dauphin ; we owe special thanks to Dr. Dauphin and the army of Somervillian and non-Somervillian friends who helped transport this large collection of books across the Channel , and to Ann Raynes who stepped in at short notice to deliver the last consignment from London to Oxford .
13 In some heating systems the water circulates naturally , ; hot water rising from the boiler and returning to it by force of gravity when it is cooler .
14 He handed it across to the Colonel who noticed with some satisfaction that it was addressed to him by name and not merely as commanding officer .
15 I had heard of it by name , but never quite knew what it was .
16 He had heart-shaped cuff-links and a heart-shaped ring made for him by Child & Child , and in 1888 commissioned a heart-shaped , leather jewel box for his daughter Margaret .
17 The Emperor 's armour was made for him by Dwarf smiths and incorporates some of the actual armour worn by Magnus the Pious at the battle of Kislev .
18 Has it been a distinctive political culture , citizens being prepared to acquiesce in and , when called on , to support the demands made of them by government ?
19 British Airways legal director Merwyn Walker says : ‘ For several months we have endured a campaign of very serious allegations made against us by Virgin and Branson .
20 The US federal court last week denied a motion by Berkeley Software Design Inc to dismiss the suit lodged against it by Unix System Laboratories for deceptive trade practices , unfair competition and false advertising ( UX No 392 , 394 ) .
21 Today four engineering union officials will attend the Court of Session to hear the details of the latest application for a legal order sought against them by management .
22 Where A makes a promise to B in consideration of B doing or promising to do something which he is already bound to do by reason of a duty imposed upon him by law , whether by a Statute or otherwise : for instance , the duty of a local police authority to afford adequate protection to A and his property ;
23 Relieved of the burdens imposed upon it by state and nobility the commune could flourish — especially once , as most of them envisaged , individual use of the land had given way to collective farming .
24 Would they , could they , after the sudden heady freedom thrust upon them by war , ever go back to what they had been ?
25 It must also be said of Poland that its society has been most resistant to Communist influence and , that of all East European countries , the gap between the state and its society has been greatest The LWP has not gone out of its way to act as the arbiter of events ; rather , it has had this role thrust upon it by Party factionalism and weakness .
26 It follows from this that the institutions must be willing to risk a proportion of their investment on the basis of the business plan presented to them by management , and because of their view of the management team .
27 " See you , " said Alice , and turned away from the girl and went in , feeling that the 556 — at least — young couples with their spotty , frustrated infants had been presented to her by Fate , as her responsibility .
28 Hospital staff rush here and there , tell them to wait , to walk down long forbidding corridors to see a doctor — whose name they have n't even been told — who may not even speak to them by name in a way they can understand .
29 I did n't ask , because I was sure that someone would speak to her by name during the meal .
30 The two claimed they were engaged , since an lranian woman caught talking to a man not related to her by blood or marriage is considered a prostitute .
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