Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] with [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There are already plenty of pointers and anomalies , and I 'd like to go through them with you to try to sift out the red herrings and give due precedence to the important facts .
2 What I need to do is to go through them with you and make sure you fully understand what they what their origins are etcetera because isomers we base the questions are very very common so I 'll be able to talk about marks .
3 I just want to go through it with you and recap .
4 I worry about you with them brakes on your car
5 I told him that we had but that we 'd talked about it with them and now things seemed all right .
6 The only person she could imagine lying in it with her was Guido .
7 You elected to become the mistress of a poverty-stricken lecturer of nonsense ; you have made your bed ; lie on it with him , as you have chosen to do . ’
8 I 'll look at them with you later , but you ca n't look at them by yourself .
9 She followed him to the lift , terrified of stepping into it with him and finding it empty !
10 He would chase after them with me in hot pursuit , so he had to go back .
11 And was she getting over it with her , was she getting better ?
12 Both the prince and Victor Oldenburg had flown in it with him , once to St Moritz for a skiing holiday and once to Gibraltar for an official visit .
13 At least talk about it with her . ’
14 Before you accept these lists as being accurate , ask your partner to go over them with you .
15 I 'll go through it with you again . ’
16 But the band stuck by me , worked out a routine with me , and busked through it with me for the rest of the run .
17 I show him , I show him the way I do it , and go through it with him .
18 Now I 'm going to help you with it and what I suggest we do this morning when I give you these sheets will you please write your name and today 's date at the top of the sheet and I put the date on the board , and then can you please resist the temptation to start , start writing over the rest of the sheet until I 've gone through it with you .
19 For the next four years he had lived in his private hell , and his silence had condemned her to live in it with him .
20 Even worse , you would tell me about new poems you had started to write , and it was like a dagger in my heart when you described working on them without my help — though the real reason you had come back to see me was to labour over them with me , adding my suggestions and excisions in the margins in your minuscule script .
21 We talked about that for a while and that was when I got the idea of using the mud wagon-not just for him but for the McLaren girl too , and just like before I could see myself sitting in it with her .
22 But the good-night was not as definite as it sounded and Fritz , cowed though he was , knew it and walked with Erika to her bus-stop and waited with her in the cold until the bus did trundle along , and even then he made an attempt to get on it with her , a ploy which , with a deft use of her elbow , Erika foiled , leaving him standing at the bus-stop ; a lonely rejected youth , bowed as with the sorrows of all the world — and yet irresistibly comic .
23 You do not do me justice , my dallta , for what you do reflects on me also , and they laugh at me with you because you let a wee Campbell lassie put a petticoat on you ! ’
24 Now , you may be a little embarrassed to discuss how you work with people other than in this classroom , although , as the course goes on , you 'll find more and more people doing Hamlet in other classes , and you might find , especially when you 're in the upper sixth , when someone in the lower sixth comes to you and says , what does this mean that you can talk about it with them , okay .
25 You ca n't talk about it with him because the word ‘ art ’ starts off a whole series of shocked , guilty ideas in him .
26 ‘ You think he tapped this out as soon as you left the desk and then ran after you with it ? ’
27 But of course ; Dan Ashton had chased after him with it .
28 We had all enjoyed working through it with him .
29 He pulled out the pouffe and sat on it with them propped on his knees .
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