Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I cared about us making love , ’ he said , raking both hands back through his thick dark hair and looking up at her .
2 This proved quite a successful intiative and was an inexpensive exercise because Air Vice-Marshal Bill Bailey kindly arranged for us to make use of the recording facilities at Services Sound & Vision Corporation .
3 They also give the Commissioners power to remove the person appointed and provide for him to make reports to the Commissioners .
4 They want to have control over where they 're going , but they are looking for us to make suggestions and give guidance [ on the technology ] .
5 Something has to be done about it to make parents realise that these are classified as unsuitable for children because they genuinely are unsuitable for children . ’
6 He was at the garden party on Guy Fawkes Night in 1938 when the honourable member for Stockton , Harold Macmillan , burnt Chamberlain in effigy , and he earned the thanks of Bob Boothby later the same evening when he happened upon him making love to Macmillan 's wife against a turkey-oak tree — and went deaf and blind .
7 To look at her made Don want to go back to bed .
8 Would you like me to go with you to make enquiries at the War Office ? ’
9 I reckon she 's overly keen on coke and spends too much time in clubs , but maybe I 'm just jealous ; my cub-reporter status on the Caley and the triumph-of-miniaturisation salary that goes with it make habits that expensive out of the question .
10 Should the zoos get rid of them to make room for , say , concolors ?
11 With difficulty , but I think it is fair to say as well it has got great compensations , because if you build walls , if you 're hiding , if you 're pretending , if you 're always subscribing parents and stopping them from coming in you make problems ; parents worry and suspect that there are problems behind those closed doors , and I think this is why we have established fifteen different parent teacher groups which meet regularly in different parts of Sussex , from Seaford to Shoreham , to Hove , to Brighton , and in small groups of ten/fifteen/twenty they 'll sit down with a teacher and they do n't just do fund raising they thrash out the different aspects of their children 's education and then they come in and meet in a main committee and I think it is this involvement that enables the parents and the teachers to work very closely together .
12 This seems to me to make parody and irony worth understanding more precisely .
13 When challenged to say what was on his mind , he replied that he had been wondering whether it would ever be given to him to make France great again , as it had been in the days of Charlemagne .
14 My secret problem is I fantasise about her making love to me .
15 A flaw which could lead to him making mistakes .
16 [ 4.2 If by the Certificate Date the parties have been unable to agree whether any requirement of the Landlord made pursuant to clause 4.1 is reasonable the matter or matters in dispute shall be referred to a counsel to be agreed upon between the parties or failing agreement within [ 5 ] working days after the Certificate Date to one of the conveyancing counsel for the time being of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice [ " Counsel " ] to be nominated on the application of either party by the President for the time being of the Law Society ( or his duly appointed deputy or any other person authorised by him to make appointments on his behalf ) and Counsel shall :
17 Just to think of her made Shiona anxious .
18 ‘ Their foot shall slide in due time : for the day of their calamity is at hand , and the things that shall come upon them make haste . ’
19 Not a single day or night had passed without him making life as difficult and miserable as was possible .
20 The wetness of his tongue as it slipped over them made Kate arch her back with delight .
21 Thinking about it made Carrie feel chokey inside , and helpless , and angry .
22 Once you decide to get rid of a Windows application , it 's vital to make copies of any important data you 've created with it to make copies of any important data you 've created with it before embarking on a ‘ slash and burn ’ policy .
23 To begin with she made friends .
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