Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I cared about us making love , ’ he said , raking both hands back through his thick dark hair and looking up at her .
2 Almost certainly it would n't approve of you shooting Auntie Flo .
3 FA yesterday and it looks like me getting tickets from them is the same chance like the famous snowball in hell — i might settle for a new video player instead — in fact i still have got almost all of WC'90 on video — pictures from — all — games — and complete games from the 1/8 finals and onwards — including the England-Kamerun game which is quite a favorite .
4 He jerked his head slightly towards the other end of the bar where someone was describing to the lady in question some event which seemed to involve a great deal of grappling with her unresisting frame .
5 but I , I disagree with them lending money to the extent , the old way was better when it was two and a half times the salary , your salary
6 Many of their rows had come from him volunteering Beth to do things .
7 The physical expression of female sexuality is her monthly period and its triumph lies in her giving birth .
8 So do n't come to me offering shares , because I 'd rather die a pauper than soil my hands with the blood that 's on your money , and there 's the truth o n't .
9 Mr Jarrett said she saw the four defendants go for Mr Johnson , holding knives and stabbing at him uttering threat of drawing blood.It was a fatal single stab wound to the neck that caused his death .
10 Having been wounded by her killing eyes , Strephon chooses his course :
11 She helped to create for him widening circles of friends , the cathedral community , the university , the clergy of the diocese , the students .
12 He said that 's when they put presents round and er he come in on the Friday on the Friday night and I mean I was in a right state , I mean we 've been in there about seven weeks and I was like at the point of like a nervous breakdown and he said to me how do you feel about me taking Matthew from you , so I said I he said I think you need a break .
13 A third letter , some nine months after he had left home in Glasgow , told of him having joined.a cargo ship as an ordinary seaman .
14 Five terrified drivers alerted police on mobile phones as Mr Furness 's car shot past them heading south down the northbound lanes .
15 A large poster hung above them advertising A.R.P .
16 Workers react in two ways to this occupational situation which infantilises them : some become bored which results in them becoming accident prone , or they develop hostility against those whom they feel have condemned them to this and withdraw into themselves .
17 Somehow the expanse of green and white cloth cascaded from her trembling hands towards the ground , and as she muttered furiously at it under her breath he looked round and saw her .
18 Bull said it still continues to be part of ACE Consortium , but only as far as desktop Intel-based systems are concerned : it refused to be drawn over the question of whether its relationship with IBM would result in it favouring OS/2 over Windows 3 , saying only that ‘ Windows is what our customers are buying today ’ .
19 ‘ One day a letter came from him asking permission to come home .
20 It was his own early instincts as a risk taker which first put him on the path that was ultimately to lead to him becoming chairman and chief executive of Hilton International .
21 And cash-strapped SSDs are furious about large compensation bills levied on them following crimes committed by young people in their care .
22 So do not look for us coming Lily but think rather of you coming home if you have a mind .
23 She was jealous of her husband 's many romantic liaisons and was a formidable opponent , with many stories being told of her harrying Zeus ' mistresses and persecuting his illegitimate children .
24 Sometimes , when she looked at her like that , it seemed to Emmie that she could easily forget what Gran was like when she was well — how she had looked , sitting in the kitchen all last winter , rocking in her old chair and telling them stories and teaching Oliver games to play with her darning eggs .
25 Mrs Joyce whistled in amazement and stepped back to look at Martha , her fists now buried in her wobbling hips .
26 I 'm not opposed to links when they 're relevant , I 've in fact argued and encouraged them and defended them where they 've taken place and I believe that they were important but I do n't believe in them taking place where they 're irrelevant and er where they er are unhelpful .
27 He was at the garden party on Guy Fawkes Night in 1938 when the honourable member for Stockton , Harold Macmillan , burnt Chamberlain in effigy , and he earned the thanks of Bob Boothby later the same evening when he happened upon him making love to Macmillan 's wife against a turkey-oak tree — and went deaf and blind .
28 The courses of action open to you following letter are as follows .
29 A scan showed Leah had a tumour in the central core of her brain , wrapped around her breathing centres .
30 I lived with you travellin' folk when I was a young 'un . ’
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